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Eternal Light University

Welcome to Eternal Light University. Our website is based on the work of the late Arthur Hakalani Pacheco. During his 30 years of working with spirit as a deep trance medium, he recorded messages from 16 different spirit souls who spoke through him. He also gave classes and lectures including Psychic Development, Cosmic Laws, Empowering Women, the Aquarian Age, and the Ascended Masters which are all included herein. We have also included a Community Forum/Blog for everyone to ask questions of spirit. We will have ongoing discussions and new topics added weekly. We also have a Women’s Corner dedicated to women’s topics where we will provide answers to your questions and have discussions specifically about women’s issues today.

Please enjoy this Magical site which we hope will provide you with answers and comfort; affirming that there are reasons behind all that happens to us as part of our ongoing spiritual evolution.

Messages from Spirit

A collection of recorded messages from Spirit that are messages and teachings given to us by beings beyond our dimension.

Meet the Ascended Masters

Arthur Hakalani presents a slide show introducing the Ascended Masters, describing who they are and what they represent. 

Meet the Masters

Women’s Corner

This is a place for women to discuss issues and to have their questions answered by Estelle Roberts and many other women that currently reside in the world of Spirit.

Community Forum/Blog

The articles include a wide variety of topics, such as, Heavenly Answers to Earthly QuestionsTornados: What are They?On Death and Dying and many more. New articles will be added monthly.