My name is Jill Lehualani Richardson. Arthur Hakalani asked me to carry his torch and continue his life’s work, helping others through our mediumship. He has guided me to create this website and forum/blog in our ongoing effort to bring as much understanding of life as possible and to provide some comfort, knowing there are reasons for everything humanity endures.

We will attempt to answer all questions that are put forth here. We also believe joy and a good sense of humor are necessary for life here on earth. Magic abounds everywhere, and we will bring as much magic forth as possible! We hope to offer Joy, Comfort, and a Deeper Understanding of what life is about.

My dear friend Lee Cloud will also add her knowledge and mediumship. She has been trained as a medium and worked closely with Arthur Hakalani for many years.

Helena, another dear friend, will also be adding her administrative skills and spiritual insights. She has studied with Arthur Hakalani for many years.

Spirit will provide us with some of the topics, and participants are encouraged to offer topics as well. We welcome questions, comments, and discussions to provide a better learning experience for all.

Feel free to leave a comment, ask a question, or request a new topic below.


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  2. Dear ones. Did master Paramahansa Yogananda speak to founders of light when he was still in his body n lived in usa?

  3. Thank you for your comment Kim. I love rainbows, too! They are great omens and have beautiful healing colors and vibrations. The link that you included was very sweet.
    blessings and light,

  4. Good Afternoon Jill and Company,

    Here is a link with a living Rainbow at work……I have already started envisioning this Rainbow cleansing the world throught out….Underground, on the ground and above the earth.
    With Love

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