We are told by the guides that the importance of sharing our ideas, feelings, and questions is to help us to create and shape the world that we want to live in. We are powerful beings in the act of creation every moment! If we look around at our lives we can see every nuance that we have created. Every decision, every thought that we put into motion becomes part of our creation. So we are asked by the guides, “Wouldn’t you want to be in the act of creating your future more consciously? Not leaving your lives to chance, to the whims and desires of others?” If we remain passive then that is exactly what will happen, our future will be created by the ones who exert their will the most. This is one of the reasons that I have been asked to create this forum. To build a community that is consciously creating our future together! Strength in numbers! 


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  22. simplyharmony - Barbara A.

    In the outer world, there appears to be illogical, senseless and chaotic actions by many, seemingly out of nowhere, yet humanity’s actions to this point have led us here. In the inner world, it seems as though a great cleansing is underway with sparks of positive energy and enlightened people rising up to face the challenges so that a new world of peace, harmony and justice can be born. I am feeling more and more hopeful for this birthing.

    I believe that group energy is most powerful. Thanks Jill and guides for this opportunity to connect, grow, create. On a separate note, my heart goes out to Maui, the land and her people, facing such suffering at this time and to each of you who may have close connections there. At any rate, we are all connected. Blessings on the way forward.

  23. Pamela Wai'olena

    And So It Is!!!

  24. I trust that everything is in Divine order. I have to remind myself of that fact regularly. Sometimes the hardships and pain in the world are challenging to witness when they are close to home with family and friends and at a distance around the world.

    Arthur gave me this quote from Jesus that reminds us of what suffering is for.

    “Their pain and suffering is great, but their need for that suffering is greater.”

    Meaning that their suffering is exactly what the soul needs for their spiritual growth, which is the most important part of life. When I see suffering and hardship I remember that quote and send blessings, light, love, and prayers that each soul gains the experiences they need for their spiritual growth. I also pray to Kuan Yin for Mercy for them too.

  25. The chaos and confusion happening, I feel, is a normal part of the necessary shifts and transformations for our spiritual evolution. Old outdated ways of being are coming up to the surface to be released so that we can begin experiencing something very different. Unfortunately, there isn’t really any way around that step and we are deep in it now. It’s not always fun or pretty but necessary. I actually think it’s exciting to feel the change happening. I am very optimistic that we are exactly where we are supposed to be, despite what it may look like. Every day, I ask to lift above the densities of earth and into the higher vibrational realms, so that I can experience my day from that perspective.

  26. Helena Te

    I can only comment on what I experience around me. I see disparity and a lot of suffering due to long-term ignoring the plight of certain categories of poeple and I also see an outpouruing of genuine concern and aid . It’s easy to blame local, state, and country government for the disparity. Yet, I also understand that most of the citizenry has abdicated its responsibility of keeping a finger on the pulse of governement actions over the decades. We are now experiencing the consequences of that by seeing a breakdown, a failure of systems that no longer serve the population at large. I see change; I see chaos and hardship; I see participation; i see innovation in the coming times. A ‘revolution’/a re-invention of society.

  27. Lee Cloud

    I see the world in a huge shift thats bringing out all the issues we need to address. Its a difficult time but also an excitig time of change for the good of all.

    I believe in a Divine Plan and that keeps me positive and looking forward to better days.

  28. I see and feel the chaos and the many many problems and I also see and feel the light that is growing. I see more and more people that are seeking their own truths.

  29. Helena Te

    I copied part of a letter of a friend that I consider appropriate and relevant to this Forum topic. Here it is:

    Below is a prayer from two women who work together in Israel….one a rabbi and the other a Palestinian activist.

    In the midst of so much sorrow the smallest of acts are important.

    I strongly hope that the event (to commemorate Kristallnacht*) will bring together people with a common goal of mourning the death and destruction while keeping powerful prayers for peace. (*Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass, also called the November pogrom, was a pogrom against Jews carried out by the Nazi Party’s Sturmabteilung paramilitary and Schutzstaffel paramilitary forces along with some participation from the Hitler Youth and German civilians throughout Nazi Germany on 9–10 November 1938. The German authorities looked on without intervening.”)
    Please bring a few words on behalf of my family to Pirmasens on Friday (Nov 10, ’23:)
    Muslim & Jewish Mothers’ Prayer for Life and Peaceby Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum, of Jerusalem & Sheikha Ibtisam, Palestinian activist in Israel:

    God of Life Who heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds
    May it be your will to hear the prayer of mothers
    For you did not create us to kill each other
    Nor to live in fear, anger or hatred in your world
    But rather you have created us so we can grant permission to one another to sanctify
    Your name of Life, your name of Peace in this world.

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