The following is a message from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle given through Arthur Hakalani:

“I tell you, there’s not one of you here who does not have a secret place to which you repair (retreat) in your minds: a holy place, a haven of safety in the storm.

I ask you to seek out your place. There is a place for you. It’s sacred, it’s holy, and it’s peaceful. All of you frequently go to an alternate reality to this one that you call your life. Oh, if only you could see it as I do: that this is not your life but only a rather small section of your learning experiences.

You’ve all got a place, a parallel dimension, if you will, that you frequently inhabit. And when there, you feel the true peace of home. Now, knowing, accepting, and intuiting this, how close can your Earth plane reality parallel your Etheric one? That is the question we bring to you this night.

You’ve all got your ideal. How closely is your Earth life in alignment with it? That thing I ask. That thing you know. That thing you can change, and I pray that you will; for so it goes to the degree that a soul has got its physical life in alignment and in replica of that place that one considers home inwardly, to that degree is one happy, peaceful, and content.

You say you’re distraught? I say, where is your home? I say, Go there. “Go home!” Yes, friends, go home. This very night, go home.

Go home, I say. And first, you’ve got to know where home is. And if you suffer from that terrible form of spiritual amnesia and you don’t know where your home is, then I say that your first obligation is to sit down in meditation until you can find it.

How could you be lost for such a long period of time? How could you wander about as vagabonds when you are children of the Most High, offshoots and offsprings of the Most Divine thing that I know of? Hail to the Light within you, each one! Hail to the Mind that manifests through you, guiding your hands and your feet and your minds!

I’m so happy to be with you again and to shed some Light upon this dark and dreary subject of the orphaned state of humanity, not knowing where Home is at all. Orphans indeed! At times, in the most tragic sense of the word. You’ve all got a home, and with a little bit more inner search, you’ll find it.

God bless you one and all!”

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