Now I know that this may date me somewhat, but as a little one, I very clearly remember waiting for some of my favorite shows on television. One of my favorites then was “Zorro”,  a Walt Disney production about this man who, disguised as a very proper Spanish caballero, actually was living a double life. One of these sides was as the son of a wealthy landowner who lived in early California, when this region was still owned and governed by the far off country of Spain. His name in this side of himself was Don Diego de la Vega, the son of Don Alejandro de la Vega, a well respected and wealthy land owner in this lovely scenario of early California.

At first, Don Alejandro never suspected that his son could be the “bandit” known as Zorro, a man he himself admired very much, as this was a very new development in the affairs of early California, specifically the growing town of Los Angeles. For almost as if in answer to the prayers of many who lived there permanently, a man had made his presence known of late, who seemed to hold a torch of hope to those who felt so oppressed. This man’s name was simply, Zorro, the Spanish word for fox.

It might interest some of my readers to know that the original name of this still growing metropolis was El Pueblo de la Reina de los Angeles, (the town or city of the Queen of the Angels!) eventually shortened down to just Los Angeles, and later, just L.A.   It so happened that at about this very time in its history, this growing city was still governed by the Spaniards. This meant that the distance from L.A. to its mother country, Spain, was very great, causing news from one place to the other to take a great deal of time in transit.

Now human nature being what it still is, this also allowed that those sent to govern over this growing city would not always follow the codes of honor set down for them. And so, it happened that these governors of the people  would often lapse into blatant acts of cruelty, or misuses of power, and even murder was committed whenever it suited the local Alcalde. This is the name of the official leader of the city, and seemed to confer almost unlimited authority and powers to whoever sat in that desirable chair.

We are referring to a period of time when California was totally under the domination of the Spanish government, between the years of  1769 to 1850, when it applied for and received Statehood under the American government. So, that scene was one of some very dramatic changes in this  new government, especially due to the declining position of Spain in the world scene at that time. The days of the Spanish Armada, their almost invincible war fleet, were all but over. This dubious title was then taken up by the country of England, these two being at the time the most expansive countries in the world, having to do with their practice of setting up provisional governments wherever they happened to land. The year associated with its existence is 1588.

So, back to early California. At the time, there were certain rich people, known as caballeros, meaning gentlemen, or ranchers, who lived there, usually owning large tracts of land known as ranchos. These men also seemed to resent any alcalde from Spain who arrived in Los Angeles in a mood to exert some unnecessary authority, especially when it was perceived that this was usually stained with cruelty and violence, the Native American peoples of the region being the worst recipients of this most commonly.

Something had to be done to resist these evil men with their even more evil ways of getting what they wanted. So, out of this political, financial, and spiritual brew sprung a solution: the man known only as Zorro. The word means the Fox, that little but cunning animal who seems to be able to get into and out of many places where he is not wanted, and where he is usually successful for whatever caused his entrance in the first place. So el Zorro came into being, and like the animal whose name he borrowed, he also was, and had to be, very cunning, highly intelligent, and most of all, brave of heart to be willing to risk his life and limb for the purpose of righting some of the wrongs being practiced on a daily basis against the people of early California. Those of you who have made California your home for any period of time, will readily agree that many are the signs that still exist in that state of its former Spanish glories, like the missions that still stand in many places along its coast to the Pacific.

It has come to me directly that many of us kids who were also fascinated with him and his story, were some of those same souls who had been there in flesh when he was manifesting for liberty and justice for all.  So I’m sure that many of us fascinated kids,  had previously existed at that very time, and it could be that this was the reason that so much of what was portrayed in that television show seemed so real and familiar to many of us. I recall how so much of what was displayed then was so familiar to me, that I wanted to go out and get some of those same things, like play swords and whips.


This very well may have ended there, with my accepting myself as a fan of Zorro, and that would have been that. Except for a very life-altering event  that happened many years later. I had found some old Zorro episodes on the  TV set while living in Hawaii, and was I happy for this great discovery! So, as I settled in to enjoy the first of these, I noticed a rather unusual feeling that seemed to settle over me as I watched this very welcome TV show. Barely noticing it, I suppose I ignored it, and dived right in to watch my hero again. 

Then, somewhere after a great exploit he had accomplished, during which he was being honored by the people of the town of Los Angeles, it suddenly became like a split screen of the TV, and I begin to see a whole new version of this great drama. What became clear to me almost from the beginning was that I was beginning to see an alternate version of the Zorro drama on TV.

Sparing you most of the details, what I was left with was the solid and startling knowledge that this story of Zorro wasn’t only a true story, but that it had been initiated by one of the Masters of the Great Lodge, obviously done under a veil of secrecy that had to be maintained for the duration of the work.

What was shown was that one of the most intrepid Masters of the Lodge, known as the Master Saint Germain, a well known sponsor of any causes of Freedom of the soul, was indeed behind this whole drama, which He caused to out-picture in early California, around the same time that He was also involved in one of the most fascinating episodes of European history.*1

I have always been most fascinated by the reports of how the various Masters of the Wisdom, have often interacted with some of us humans, still living in physical bodies, and usually with the aims of helping us to overcome some major obstacles to our freedoms to live as we chose to.

So, what continued to be unfolded before my astonished inner sight was how this Master Saint Germain had actually been the driving force behind this man, most of us have only accepted as being merest fiction, and yet, was not.

It continued to be revealed to me how he had done what is known as “overshadowing” of not only one, but several men during those dark days in L.A., and had somehow taken full possession of the bodies of certain men of that day who personally hated the Spanish alcaldes, and who were yet young enough to be in good enough physical shape to be able to do some of the things that would be necessary to escape from these oppressors of the people.

His mastery of His own physical vehicle was what enabled Him to be able to do this, literally taking control of the bodies of different men at different times, and to guide them how to act and how to escape too, when the work that was called upon was accomplished. In other words, He was able to literally possess, with their full consent, mind you, these men who otherwise would only sit at home, cursing the Spanish rulers of their lands.

It would take too long to explain in detail how He found them, and began to infiltrate their thought processes, thereafter being able to explain to them how they could make a difference in this way, often acting as a type of Robin Hood of early California.

Of course, He would have to offer some types of proof that He could do this, and once convinced, He would simply show them how to prepare themselves for this great adventure, all the while under His great protection and empowerment, so that the risk to themselves was but minimal. In this way, each one, and it came to me that there were at least three of these men, who were chosen by Providence to function in this way,  were temporarily empowered to function as almost superhuman beings, while on the mission to liberate the oppressed of that time and place. Bravo, Zorro!

Now, all of this was quite a revelation to say the least. As it began to unfold before me, I was so taken into the power and the genius of this plan, that it began to make lots of sense to me about why and how it was done.

Having been a student of the Mysteries for years before this, it was no big surprise that any One of the Masters could certainly do this, being in that state sometimes referred to as being Ascended, where all temporal power was 

Theirs to do with as They liked and deemed appropriate. It may encourage some of you to know that this state is what is destined for all of us, as we continue to follow our own individual paths of Evolution, and eventually are allowed to “graduate” from this schoolroom of this lovely planet of ours, Earth.  At that point, we too shall be known as Ascended Masters.

Perhaps it was also this knowledge that prompted such Beings as the Master Jesus to say, “the things that I do, ye also shall do, and greater things ye shall do.” He also would often begin statements made about Himself with the two words, I Am, such as “I Am the Resurrection and the Life.” Now, at the time of these utterances, of course all the people hearing Him might easily feel that He was referring to the personality self, and thus, resented what would appear as an ordinary man presenting himself as a god of sorts.

But what we understand now is that He was actually referring to His own Christ Consciousness, which does reside in each one of us, potentially at least. Seeing it this way, His affirmation that “ I of myself can do nothing, but the Father within me, doeth the works,” doesn’t seem so bombastic.

Back to Zorro though. When we left our masked man he was still living in early California, seeking ways to help with the very unfair system that Spanish alcaldes were seeking to perpetuate in Los Angeles.  So, when he was approached by the Master, he knew enough to sense that this was no ordinary being who was speaking to him, but maybe a great Archangel or some other spiritual being who was there to answer the prayers of so many.

In any event,  he did accept the help that was offered, and due to the fact that he himself had just recently returned from Spain, where he had studied many skills and sciences, not the least of which was fencing, he could suddenly see the temporal value of this skill, which he couldn’t see before.  He was good at it too, having learned from the best fencing masters in Spain.

So, the stage was set. All he had to do was to wait upon the Lord,

that is, to wait until he would be called into action on the behalf of the many peoples of Los  Angeles who were being oppressed, but who lacked the ways to defend themselves. The call finally came. This took the form of a new rule announced in the pueblo of higher taxes being enforced. Whoever could not or would not pay these would be prosecuted and their lands confiscated. As with any such announcements, when they were made, it was also clear that if anyone dared to defy it, they would be dealt with very harshly.

What was shown to me then was better than any TV show, and it showed how this growing feeling of frustration and daring seemed to come over Don Diego de la Vega, until he could stand it no longer, and then, with a leap, he got up and began to don the outfit that he had been shown would be necessary to protect his own identity, so that Zorro could come and go unseen 

and undetected, as to who his actual identity was during those times. 

This outfit consisted of a black cape, suit and boots, with a bullwhip too!.

All this had me on the edge of my seat, as you can imagine, dear readers. Next, it was shown to me how this was actually accomplished.

To begin this transformation, a certain physical process was used, in which the whole inner system of this man was suddenly changed, as if by magic, and was made to keep him in the state of being able to do many things that might seem to others as being somewhat beyond the human abilities to ever do, such as out-fencing more men than most men could ever do. 

Also, such things as superhuman endurance was added, so that he could continue to function even when ordinary men would surely be outdone. So this explained how he would often do things that did seem superhuman, which only led to his growing reputation as some kind of a Superbeing, rather than just a man who was moved by his conscience to act for the masses. This aspect of his growing reputation only added to the fear that most of those sent to arrest him were feeling already. Most of these people were fairly superstitious, and still subject to great inner fears of “the devil” acting out.

They had mostly seen his feats of superhuman strength and cunning, and so righteously feared any encounters with him, knowing that they’d be bested in the effort. But of course, soldiers must follow orders, so when they were ordered to pursue him by their own more cowardly officers, they would do so only with great protest, and consequently, Zorro usually got away to fight another day. In other words, this strange man, this bandit who wore a mask to avoid detection in the streets by them, was certainly someone who had been sent by some Higher Authority to overturn their authority. 

For it was shown to me as well, how most of the men who were soldiers of the current alcalde, were actually not bad men, but who were under the law of having to obey any orders that were given to them to, so to obey wasn’t optional. Most of the Alcaldes of this period seemed to be cruel and insane enough to think that this type of loyalty to their orders was to be expected. 

This “chink in their armor” served to cause many of them to eventually defect to the other side, and stop protecting the Alcaldes and their evil ways. 

The man who would eventually decide to write some novels about this great Californian was Johnston McCulley, who wrote the first of these in 1919. Later, these tales would be adopted by some Hollywood producers, like Walt Disney, who decided to make stories out of them for his growing television audiences.

In the books themselves, Zorro is quoted as stating that his mission was to: “avenge the helpless, to aid the oppressed, and to punish cruel politicians.” Sound familiar for today? I thought so, and secretly wished that a new Zorro would appear today, for many of the issues now facing us as a people and as a nation, are oddly enough, very similar to those.

Then, I found myself wondering if this was why I had been given the treat of finding the old Zorro shows again. Could it be that the similarities of those times and ours are too obvious not to notice them? I truly sat there and wondered deeply. 

What I decided to do was to share this with those of you who can accept that this just might be the case here, and that if so, we need to start to consider having different tactics of taking care of our world better, so that we can help her into her next cycle of evolution, which is beginning already, ready or not. Thus, my decision to share it with all of you, my readers.

So, my first decision was simply to publish this account of my Zorro experience, and then to draw the same comparisons for my reading audience, and from there, it wasn’t so clear.  In other words, now that I’ve rediscovered Zorro as a cultural hero, we all would do well to personally investigate this character, and see where – if anywhere- we might be able to invoke his spirit back to our times, to help us to fend off the present day villains. In some ways, those who comprise the Occupy movements are doing this very thing.

I welcome any comments, or questions about this article, and anything else any of you may want to add to this account. This is merely an experiment. I am publishing this simply to remind my many friends and loved ones that in recalling this great folk hero, we may be also giving ourselves a new direction to follow in some form or fashion. Whaddya think?

I am open to anything any of you may want to add to this report, and also,  I am open to any other thoughts you may have about this lovely experience that I have had not so long ago. I still believe it was for a very good reason that this came to me. I also believe that much can be learned by simply observing some of the similarities that exist today with our present state of affairs in our government’s proceedings, especially since it is an election year, so much of the political will be on our TV screens, and other than that, it will still be a year for us to vote, and to help to decide the fate that our wonderful nation is slowly moving into or toward. 

Interestingly enough, not that long ago, a few more Hollywood producers, Doug Clayborne and Steven Spielberg, were moved to make a new movie about Zorro.  This was called “ The Mask of Zorro,” and starred the Spanish actor,  Antonio Banderas, as the leading man, with  Anthony Hopkins, playing the role of the older Zorro, having lived out his years in a Spanish jail, after being defrauded of his whole life, hacienda, wife, and other things by a very sinister Alcalde.  As might be expected, when the truth becomes known by this man, the elder Zorro, he at once begins to plot to get back what is rightfully his, including his own daughter, played by Catherine Zeta-Jones, and with the help of this young but very spirited man, played by Antonio Banderas, he does just that in the end. 

Of course, when I saw this movie, I had had the previous experience, so I watched it through very different eyes and ears. And yet, it still has eluded me as to how to use this bit of information in any practical way. So, I come before you, my dear friends and brethren, with this account of one more thing that has occurred behind the veil of secrecy, and yet, with its knowledge, we can hopefully be empowered to bring about some changes as they may appear to us needing to be done. In some ways, your guess is as good as mine.

One last detail to add to this report, is the one of being reminded that we can use many more things than ever before that are more like spiritual tools, spiritual techniques of affecting life on earth, and our own experiences in it . 

One of these which we have mentioned before is writing letters, known as petitions to the Great Karmic Board, that Great Body of Enlightened Beings Who do govern our planet as far as how its karmic laws play out in the ongoing drama of our everyday lives. To address Them is similar, but more effective and timely, then trying to get a case judged by our own Supreme Court of the United States. Now, if we did ever attempt that, it would no doubt be a very timely process, not to mention costly too. But when we do address the Lords of Karma, as They are known, our petition is seen and known by Them immediately, and without the long wait customary on earth. 

Their jobs are to see to it that all karmic laws are being followed properly, and that if anyone is trying to either “bend the meaning of the law” or deliberately trying to get around its restrictions to themselves, then these things will be seen right away, and dealt with accordingly.

The safeguard is that if perchance the situation that we report as possibly being out of order, and thus a transgression to the law itself, isn’t seen by Them as being that way at all, and it’s merely our own misunderstanding of  another’s actions that has caused us to take this step for more Justice, then it is simply ignored. No harm is done to anybody, but what may have been a crime could be either prevented or blocked altogether, even before it is physically accomplished. 

One dear friend who also happens to be one of the Beings Who serve on the Council of Six which I serve and work for once explained it like this:

She said that if we were aware that our neighbors were away on a holiday, and casually looking over toward their home one day or evening, we noticed a person looking like they were in the act of trying to get into the home but not with a key, then we’d have the decision to make, wouldn’t we?

We could simply call the police and report the whole incident. That would take care of the case if perchance the one entering was doing so illegally, or we could not call anyone, and wonder if this might be a person known to my neighbors, and who was simply using this way to gain entrance to their home. That seemed to me a very good way of describing this very situation, and the roles we might find ourselves playing one fine day or night.

She went on to state that if the person seen was actually a relative or friend, and that he or she had the permission of the owners to enter in that way, then no problem was done or prevented. But if on the other hand, that one trying to enter in this way wasn’t a known person, then we might be able to stop a burglary or some other crime against our neighbor’s properties. This seemed to make perfect sense to me, so I just accepted it as something to explain.

So, “I leave it on the table of your inspection”, a phrase that our beloved ACD has used many times when dealing with us and the objects of our curiosity.  He will come by to give his own views on whatever the topic, and then after delivering what his views are on the matter, he’s been known to do just what he says, by this rather quaint saying that he’s used many times before. Do get back to me if there are other thoughts in your heads about this article. I welcome them all. I also am grateful that you’ve taken the time to even read this article at all. God bless you all. 


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