Meditations, Lectures, and Classes

Going Home

If we were to have a theme song for our website, this would be it. The sweet boys choir, Libera, singing “Going Home”.

Going home, going home
I am going home
Quiet like, some still day
I am going home

It’s not far, just close by
Through an open door
Work all done, care laid by
Never fear no more

Mother’s there expecting me
Father’s waiting too
Lots of faces gathered there
All the friends I knew

I’m just going home

No more fear, no more pain
No more stumbling by the way
No more longing for the day
Going to run no more

Morning star light the way
Restless dreams all gone
Shadows gone, break of day
Real life has begun

There’s no break, there’s no end
Just living on
Wide awake, with a smile
Going on and on, going on and on

Going home, going home
I am going home
Shadows gone, break of day
Real life has begun

I’m just going home


Arthur loved this song and asked me to share it with you.

A Powerful Invocation

Arthur Hakalani had the gift of giving the most beautiful and powerful invocations. In this invocation, he is asking many of the higher beings to help us with issues that need addressing in our world. Every time the invocation heard, the call is made again.

A Guided Healing Meditation

This guided meditation is suggested to do with your eyes closed. You may also place an ice-cold cloth over your eyes which is a process in which we are able to make some real changes in our subconscious minds. It is also suggested to do this meditation a number of times to get the real benefit from it. Each time you are healing at a deeper level, like peeling the layers off of an onion.

Preparation: You will need a bowl of ice water and a cloth. Soak the cloth in the water and then wring it out and place it over your eyes and forehead just as you begin the meditation. You may either do the meditation lying down or in a reclined position. The cold cloth helps you to enter a much deeper state so that you can access your subconscious mind more easily.a

A Self-Empowering Meditation

Arthur guides us through a self-empowering and healing mediation that anyone can use. This powerful meditation provides a deeper look into our subconscious minds. He guides us through several issues, one being, finding a truth that we tell only to ourselves. A truth that is deep in our hearts that we may have been hiding from. He describes how to find it and come to a deeper understanding of it. He also explains what fears truly are and how to overcome them and how to heal any guilt we may have. The meditation helps to pull a few weeds from our subconscious mind garden. Then he has us think of something that we think would be too good to be true and how to visualize it and allow it into our lives. Also, how to open our consciousness and become a money magnet.

A Trance Address About the Benefits of Learning About Our Personal Astrology

This trance address was given during an astrology class. The speaker did not give his name. He provides some important insights to help us better understand our personal astrology. Such as, that your sun sign represents the present, your ascendant, the future, and your moon, the past. Also, the midheaven point in your chart represents your greatest potential in this lifetime.

Learning your own astrology can be very beneficial in helping you to understand your life plan.

  • “You will come to love the deeper mystery locked in your astrological profile”
  • “You will come to feel like a King or a Queen, privileged that you have these wonderful influences working for you and through you.”
  • “You will come to honor the privilege of being in incarnation at this time”
  • “Astrology is the science of tomorrow and the science of the understanding of the soul, in cycles of time.”

Portraits of the Saints

Arthur Hakalani begins with a prayer in Hawaiian. Three saints speak, a Hawaiian elder, Padre Pio, and a Tibetan Buddhist bring their pearls of wisdom and discuss what life was like for each of them a long time ago.


Arthur Hakalani Pacheco and Estelle Roberts Speak About the Aquarian Age and Gender (Part 1 and 2)

In this two-part message given by Arthur and Estelle, each speaker shares important information about what must be done in order for humanity to heal and attain peace. They share with us what the aquarian age is about and how many things will change, including how women will rise to the forefront and become more of the world’s decision-makers. Estelle makes it very clear that when women heal as a whole and as individuals, humanity will then move toward the future of peace and well-being for everyone. She says it must begin with women healing their differences, loving each other, and coming together as the true beings of love and sweetness that they are.

The Spiritual Differences Between Men and Women

Arthur Hakalani speaks about some of the spiritual and psychic differences between men and women that he has observed in his more than 20 years of counseling. He discusses the society and cultural programming that each has and hopefully, to help both men and women understand each other on a deeper level and come to appreciate the differences.

Empowering Women

“Empowering Women” Using her psychic and intuitive abilities, how the modern woman can excel in business, career, and personal relationships. There is a major planetary shift occurring on many dimensions and one of these shifts has to do with the readjusting and recalibrating of what we call polarity on this planet. It is shifting from male predominance to more of the feminine polarity. He discusses the history of what happened in Atlantis approximately 24,000 years ago, where much of the female suppression started. At that time, they began to discredit women and suppress feminine energy. He explains how and why they did, providing a better understanding of what the suppression was and how to heal it.

What is Man and what is Woman? How men will play a beautiful role in helping women to regain their power. How women will use their innate psychic abilities to help them navigate the world.

Givers and Takers

How do you know one from the other? Arthur provides invaluable information regarding the differences between givers and takers.

  • A giver is a person who by nature is always looking to see what they can add to the situation.
  • A taker is usually looking to see what they can get from the situation.
  • A giver tends to think of other people, whereas the taker usually thinks about themselves.
  • Givers want to give the benefit of the doubt. They overlook, they forgive, they tolerate, sometimes too much.
  • How do you know if you are dealing with a taker? When you ask yourself, why are they doing this to me, I wouldn’t do that to them?

Arthur explains, “Everybody is what they have found it most convenient to be based on their past lives. There is no blame, and no one is so-called “bad. Givers cannot stop giving, it would hurt their soul. It’s about learning to whom and how much they can give.

Classes and Series

A Lecture and Class: How to do a Past Life Regression

In the lecture, Arthur highlights the fascinating concept of a Past Life Regression and provides clear guidance on how to conduct an effective session. This lecture serves as an introductory overview of the Past Life Regression Class.

*Note* At the end of part 1 of the class the recording cuts off just before his session ends. Arthur was describing how to visualize images in our minds to practice what those images will look like during a past life regression.

The class was recorded on cassette tapes, so the transitions between parts aren’t seamless. However, despite this issue, we felt it was important to share this valuable and empowering information.

Electromagnetic Energy Class 1 & 2

Arthur Hakalani Teaches a Class On Working With Electromagnetic Energy from a Spiritual Perspective.

These are some of the topics he covers: 

~ How to use Electromagnetic Energy to Repel What We Don’t Want and to Attract What We Do Want. 

~ How to Transfer Energy to Others and Help Answer Their Prayers.​

~ How to Clear and Balance Your Karma.

~ The Ability to Attract and Repel Energy Defines the Creative Process.

Note * At the end of the second class, the recording abruptly stops, missing just the final few minutes.                          

Advanced Spirituality Class and a Trance Address from Saint Germain

(Saint Germain begins at 48 minutes.)
This is a recording of a class on Advanced Spirituality. Saint Germain gave an address during the class. We are told that the listener will receive the Darshan and the Light and the promise of the rendezvous with Saint Germain, whenever his address is heard. Including all who listen to it in the future!

Cosmic Laws, Trance States, Clairvoyance, and Clairaudience

Arthur provides an in-depth look in this four part class about Cosmic Laws, what they are, and how to incorporate them into our daily lives. He also covers Cairvoyance, Clairaudience and how to enter into three different levels of trance states.

The Sight Series

The “Sight Series” is a set of eight Psychic and Spiritual Development Dissertations channeled from the Spirit World. The first three dissertations are heard in Arthur Hakalani’s own voice, as it was received clairaudiently. The remaining five dissertations were recorded while he was in a “deep trance” state and therefore, are in the voice of his primary guide, who was the legendary author of the “Sherlock Holmes” mysteries and a Spiritual leader of his time… Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

“Throughout the years of working with these Guides, I have seen nothing but the highest good coming from their words and direction. I believe that these dissertations are further testimony of how much our spirit friends do love us and can truly guide our thought patterns along very uplifting lines. They are where many who seek to be, on a Higher Plane of Thought and so their words are like stepping stones we can follow to the Other Side, guiding us safely to Clear Sight”. – Arthur Hakalani Pacheco