El Morya

El Morya Speaks About Disciples and Personal Missions
EL Morya or sometimes known as Morya EL is an Ascended Master. He embodies the Blue Ray, The Will of God. Quotes from El Morya’s message:
“I come to speak of disciples. I have trained disciples for centuries. The word disciple, coming from discipline. The word discipline, coming from disciple. There is a mission that all have. Each one of you it’s different. And it is a mission, that is like the sun in your life. When you are upon that mission, the sun is shining brightly.”
“There is not one that has not come here without a mission. You do not need to be sitting in meditation constantly. You do not need to be in prayer all the time. But I would pray more often than you do. For of course prayer never goes unanswered.”
“For a mission, of course, that is of the earth, will always be subject to the law of cycles, thus it has a beginning, a midpoint, and an ending.”
“Some say, I’m lost, I have no sense of what I am to do, what I am to be, what is my profession in this world? Some jest and say, I’m already a grown man but I ask what will I be when I grow up? I say, his mission is to ask, not necessarily to know. Your mission is always on your lips, it is what you are doing, it is who you are. Did you not know that? It isn’t what you do, to make your daily bread. It isn’t who you might associate with or impress. Your mission is being who you are and that is being true to yourself.”
“Your mission is what you do, or you would not do it.”
“Your mission is your next thought, follow it.”
“If you feel that your mission is far from you, or you far from it, that is also part of your mission, that you might come to see that you can’t get away from it, any more than your hand can get away from you.”
“My dear ones, your mission is to breathe, and keep breathing, until you need to breathe no more.”
“Your mission is to stay until you can’t stay any longer.”
“Your mission is to be here right now, listening to me as I fulfill my mission. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“And then missions are fulfilled, completed. Such as being a secretary, that’s a mission. It’s not for eternity, it has its beginning, its midpoint, and its endings. There comes a point where you have fulfilled it. It is done, fulfilled, accomplished.”
“You are all fulfilling your missions, even as I am fulfilling mine.”