In the course of the many years of giving readings, classes, and seminars, there have arisen certain questions that have been asked by many people at diverse times. I can’t help noticing that many of these are asked over and over again. So when giving thought to what would be useful information and something interesting to the readers of this newsletter, it came to me to remember some of these questions and the answers that were given each time.  Adding to the interesting side of this task was the fact that different answers had been given to different people at different times. What to do? Which quote to use? There was only one place to go to get these answers, the sources from which they had originally come. So, like a schoolboy with a tablet and pen in hand, I went to those sources, the beloved Guides Who work with us all. 

What follows are some of the most commonly asked questions, and the answers given to them. Maybe you’ll find that some of these questions have crossed your own mind at some point. 

I know that some of them had crossed mine, and to hear the answers given, cleared up my own thinking. 

Why is it that sometimes my guides seem so close and accessible, and sometimes not? Do our guides ever leave us for extended periods of time? 

Very interesting question, and one that many others have also entertained from time to time. So it is with great pleasure that I am able to hopefully clear this up for you. 

First of all, it should be understood that just as people are different, so also are their guides different, and have different ways of dealing with their wards. Some people require much assistance and almost constant care, while others do not, and can be left alone, so to speak, for longer periods of time. 

Just as some children need more supervision than others, each according to their age and maturity levels, just so with you all. And even with those who need much supervision, we have ways of being able to know what you are about, and not necessarily have to be there at your sides. Imagine if you will, a lady standing in the center of her own living room, and whilst she is doing some ironing of her laundry, she is also watching the television set, and also aware of what her baby is doing in its playpen nearby. Suddenly, the door is being knocked upon, and she must answer it.  Another call upon her attention, but she is capable of giving what is required, and not in any way, losing track of what her baby is doing, and how the little one is.

You can see by this analogy, how she can be doing several things at once.  So can we.  And the way in which many, not to say all, of the ladies who do this kind of work daily, and still manage their time and attention, is truly marvelous to behold at times.   I daresay some of them are earning their mastership of the physical plane whenever they find themselves doing this kind of multitasking. God bless them all, for it is this kind of care for us when we are infants, that has yielded some of the greatest examples of humanity that the world has ever seen.

And when it appears to you that your guides are not around, this isn’t necessarily so. If so be it, they have come to the conclusion by observation, that you really don’t need them, even when you think you do,  they just might delay their time in responding to your calls.  This is partially done to show you that in spite of your perception that their presence were urgently needed,  they see that you can handle the situation just fine, and by not coming, they prove it to you.  There is an old saying that “ God doesn’t always come when you call, but He always comes on time.”  So, in a way, by not responding to your calls right away, they were actually paying you a compliment, and a vote of confidence was cast in your favor. I hope that helps some.

I was brought up in the Catholic religion. And at times I’ve had a hard time getting past some of the fears that were drilled into me, like the one that I’ll go to hell someday, just for not going to mass when they say I should.  What can you tell me about this fear, as I’m not the only one who has it? 

This particular fear has done much harm throughout the ages.  It isn’t true, for many reasons that I will easily run by you.  But what’s worse, is that in an attempt to scare people into doing good, they have accomplished quite the opposite. And here we get a clue as to who is the real author of this untruth. You may have heard the allegory about a cosmic event that  there was once a “battle in heaven.”  This consisted of those who were willing to follow the Divine Plan of benevolence and goodwill to all, once it was announced, for they could easily see the wisdom of this. Yet there were those who didn’t see the wisdom here and refused to follow this plan. These latter ones were led by one who was a great angel, an archangel if you know what that means, and his name was Lucifer; the “son of the morning” as he was known. Your American medium Edgar Cayce also tuned into this event, and he referred to those protesting as the Sons of Belial,  and those who accepted as the Sons of the One.

The whole event was known later as the Luciferian Rebellion.  And it’s beginning was punctuated by a rebellious statement made by the leader himself, “I  WILL NOT SERVE!” 

This event is there to see in the Akashic Records when you are back in the spirit realm, and it is terrible to behold.  That statement has also echoed down the corridors of time to the present hour, and it is repeated every time one of us feels what is the right thing to do and refuses to do it.

Thus, conscience comes into play. Your conscience is your connection to your own Higher Self or the Superconscious Mind as some call it,  and if you choose not to listen to it, and to ignore it enough times,  then this misguided act results in your not being able to hear it at all,  – not to know what is right from wrong. This is simply the natural outworking of the cosmic law of Free Will at play, allowing each soul to be free to choose his own path.

There are those who say they would rather have no conscience, and so be able to do what they like, whether right or wrong. This can be easily accomplished, simply by ignoring that voice enough times. It does cease to function, at least for that person,- over time.  This, in a sense,  is the opposite of clairaudience, if there were one, not to be able to hear anything coming from the spirit realm. Unfortunately, such deafness is rather common on earth these days, and it leads to ruin.  

Back to cases where the belief in a hellish state has done its own brand of evil; and the Akashic Records abound with such cases.   In order to avoid this hell, this terrible fate, people have done things that caused them to go through many years of misery and heartache;  all because they believed that that fate of going to an eternal hell was a worse alternative. One can’t blame them really, not if you accept that ghastly place as a reality that you may surely go-to for your sins.

First of all, let us get something quite clear. There is no such thing as hell, not as painted by the early church fathers, as a place of everlasting punishment from which you never can leave. 

Such a ghastly place and fate must be the creation of some demonic mind, not that of the most loving  Father of All.  Such a creation could never be accomplished, nor would it ever be, by One Who is the Source of all Love and Forgiveness and Mercy. 

No, my friends, this creation came from a much darker source, from one who wanted to frighten people into doing his will, and that was in itself a very hopeless thought, for, in this great universe of love that we inhabit, no such thing is possible.

Simple logic will show us that the very thought of a place of eternal punishment makes no sense at all. Why should anyone be made to suffer forever, and for what type of grievous offense?

Au contraire mon frere, as the French say, the reverse is lovingly true. If we but recall that the whole purpose of this earth, so we’re told by Those above us in authority and divinity, is to function as a learning place; and that by trial and error we are given the “endless” opportunities to learn by our own free wills.  Therefore, to punish us for something we’re in the process of learning about would be an act of insanity.  And the seriousness of the punishment! What could possibly warrant such a sentence as that? Giving it some thought,  it becomes quite clear that the two things, hell and an all-loving Father simply aren’t compatible,  and can’t be found in the same place. 

So, when you put this all together, what have you left with but the truth of the matter. That the whole idea of a place of everlasting punishment and damnation had to be the creation of a much more demonic mind than anyone in a heaven world could or would contemplate, even for a second. Now I hope that I’ve not given you the impression that I was avoiding your direct question.

But with what has been offered here for your consideration, I hope the truth becomes refreshingly clear. 

The last thought that I will leave you with is this; is there anything that a child of yours could do that would enrage you enough to send them to a place of everlasting punishment and damnation?  Think about it.  Is there not an automatic recoiling from such a thought? I would think so. Simply due to its inherent cruelty and sadism. No, no, fortunately, we are all the products of a  much more intelligent and sensitive Mind than that. 

For such things are to be found, even today, among the most depraved of the spirits in the lower astral plane, with which the less you have to do the better. They are as experiments went wrong! Yes, even your Father in heaven, can make “mistakes” in a sense; if you can take that in a very broad sense.  This concept requires much more discussion to get it clear  – perhaps later.

So, let’s be content with the way things are, shall we? And be glad that the very worst fate you can undergo, is simply that of a sense of a separation from God, which is as close to anyone’s idea of hell as you’d want to get.  I hope that solves this question, once and for all. However, I should be glad to reiterate it if the point arises again.  

Is there anything you can tell us that will help us to cope with all the uncertainty in the world today, such as the economy, or the war scenarios that keep changing from day today?

Yes, of course, we have our views on these things. But I would begin with a form of a disclaimer statement, that should probably be applied, no matter who is the giver of such an answer.

In other words, we make no claim to be all-seeing beings, and such infallibility isn’t the reality of any beings you are likely to encounter on the earth plane these days. So what we offer here is nothing more nor less than a group agreement, based upon our joint points of view combined.

Plus, the way we view your predicament on earth isn’t from the point of view that you might expect from us. You see, to us, it is all too obvious that what you all are undergoing, both collectively and individually, is a self-chosen program of events, which are calculated to bring you to points of uncertainty, which are in turn there to determine how much you know of what you are supposed to know. In fact, you are all being tested, and in ways that you may have little or nothing to do with, as far as the conditions of the tests are concerned.  Yet, all of this has been known by your unconscious minds before even incarnating, and thus, your consent to be tested. So, with that understood as a basic premise, we can begin to speak freely. And what we would suggest to most of you at this time is for you to see how well your indwelling faith that “all will be alright” is intact within your own basic belief systems. And this is true, as far as you are concerned. The testing of this time is not to cause you to come into a state of complete ruin and collapse.  It is rather to show you that you will not be subject to times that are unfriendly when you are friendly and a good student and practitioner of the Cosmic  Laws. 

These times are times of returning to the justice and fairness of the Cosmic  Laws for all people.  For too long has humanity been living in a state of imbalance, where some were able to connive their way above their fellow humans, and get what was never intended – a rude advantage over anyone not as experienced, or as strong, or as bright as themselves, the “law of the jungle. “

To reason that just because they could do this thing, that is, to take base advantage over their unsuspecting fellows – and to be able to appear to “get away with it,” is no reason to conclude that this is God’s will, or that they will not be held accountable for their acts  –  they will most certainly be held accountable and will pay full retribution to Life Itself…

All compensation comes in the fullness of time.  This is precisely why somewhere in the Scriptures, we find the ancient words, “Justice is mine, saith the Lord.” So, when this point is clearly understood, then what follows is that each honest,  and sincere soul among you will be well advised to simply take stock of his or her own actions. Some questions suggest themselves here, such as: Am I living my life in such a way that I am harming no one, and even maybe helping when I can and when I discern that I can and maybe even should take some action?  Can I say honestly that I haven’t harmed any part of life that I am aware of,  at least not consciously or deliberately, and if so, then that leaves me in the clear karmically, so to speak?

It also comes to mind to call up two different episodes in the lives of two of the greatest Sons of God that this planet has ever seen. These would be the Lord Gautama Buddha, and the Master Jesus the Christ. When asked to sum up His teachings, the Lord Buddha is said to have responded, after a moment’s thought, and with a smile, “Cease to do evil. Learn to do good.”

When the Master Jesus was asked something similar, He responded, “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and soul, and love thy neighbor as thyself.” It may seem like an oversimplification, but I believe that I can safely say that if you observe these two guidelines, you don’t have much else to worry about. And this of course goes with the supposition that you already are familiar with the concept that we truly create our own destiny, and that what we do is always how we will be treated by this life and anyone in it. There always are exceptions, but these always have their inner reasons why they occur as well. And when these are examined closely, it is found that they still keep to the Cosmic  Laws, and thus, nothing is really too different from them or their requirements as they finally do play themselves out.

As to things like great financial breakdowns and meltdowns, we have only this to add. In that these times are indeed trying, due to the seemingly quick and mostly unexpected reversals of fortunes, try not to fear or worry. The reason behind this seemingly naïve reassurance is that seen from our plane, no matter what happens, it cannot wreck you unless that is something that your soul wants you to experience, for its own inner reasons. So, in a way, no matter what comes your way in the way of upsetting events, to know that there is indeed a reason for these things to come your way is also to be able to take a deep breath, and to remind yourself of the inner basic truth of the old saying, that “God never gives you more than you can handle.” or words to that effect. The more accurate way of saying that would be,’ We never give ourselves more than we can take.” To do so would be self-sabotaging or insane as we mentioned before.  

So, my friends, that would be the best way to greet the times that are now engulfing you… Try your best not to think dark, depressing thoughts, lest you attract something that isn’t really yours by right.  For to do so is to almost insist that such things come your way, for the laws function impersonally. And this simply means that whoever is foolish enough to allow his or her mind to dwell on the worst-case scenario, instead of more pleasant events to come, shouldn’t be surprised if such things come a-knocking.  The totally impersonal side of how cosmic laws function is something we can’t even afford to take our attention from. In other words, it is folly to think that just for you, the laws won’t bring you a merciful version of what you have ordered.

I don’t believe I will betray any serious confidence when I tell you that once upon a time this medium was deeply worrying about some event taking place, hoping of course that it wouldn’t. He had to leave his home for an event that was planned, but when he returned, no more than a few moments after arriving home, we found him deep in worry again. So we decided that one of us would break in on his thoughts, which he had given us permission to do previously, and ask him the following question: Wouldn’t it make more sense to visualize WHAT YOU DO WANT TO HAPPEN in this case, instead of what you don’t want to happen?  The very presence of someone asking him this inside his own head brought him to a quick state of awareness that we had hoped he would respond with. At first, he was simply startled, as one would be if they thought that they were alone, only to find someone suddenly speaking to them from nearby. Then, when he realized that it was we,  whom he knew of course and trusted, he relaxed enough to entertain the thought we had just then introduced into his field of vision. He burst out laughing, as the simple logic of our suggestion dawned upon him, revealing how much he wasn’t helping this matter, but only potentially making it worse than it had to be.  We thought that he was in need of such a reminder, and he agreed with a smile. Then we had to wait a bit until his laughter subsided. 

He thanked us, and we mentioned that he might consider using this very situation in his teachings when this subject ever came up again, as a point to consider.  He agreed, and has used it several times, always with the same good and desired results.   

The same logic applies here. For whatever is to happen, you can influence it until it has occurred. That is why when a seer is asked the question of whether or not they can see the future,  as in a future event happening,  the accurate answer would be to say that what they see are only the probabilities involved, in that no one can say what a given soul will do in a given set of circumstances with total certainty. There’s that concept of infallibility again! History has shown over and over again,  that in spite of how well we might feel we know someone, and therefore, how they will respond to a given situation, any soul may respond in a completely different manner than what is expected of them. People are strange, it has been said. We can only agree in the extreme, having seen what we’ve seen.  

In closing, we would add that another way of looking at what is happening on the earth plane at this time in history, is like a great Change about to take place. And so, all that is not in keeping with the basic principles of that Change will be dissolved, either suddenly or little by little. This Change is something that occurs at cycles of time, but far enough away in time, that the last time isn’t recalled, at least not by most of those now inhabiting the earth plane. There are a few among the masses, whose cosmic memories are somewhat intact, enough for them to be saying amongst themselves, ‘OH, here we are again, and the last time this happened, Atlantis went down under the waves, OR, there was a great outpouring of spiritual truths and teachers on the earth, but mankind wasn’t seemingly ready to hear them, for it killed them instead. Oh well, hopefully, this time more of us will be able to appreciate what is being taught to us about life in a grander sense than we currently believe and accept. Otherwise, we’ll just have to go the same way as the ancients did, and go through a period of self-destruction, brought about by ourselves.”

What may be the most important thing to keep in mind is that no matter what happens on earth at this or any time, it isn’t happening just by chance, or simply because certain forces may want it to occur.  It is all happening by the dictates of Cosmic Laws, and that all things do happen by these laws, and not in spite of them. So, it follows that if we are living our lives according to these laws, then harm cannot come to us. The temptation will be, and is, to accept that whatever happens to us we have no control over. This is not true, and never can be.  This universe is a living entity, living according to certain Cosmic Laws that govern how things work out, and how they act towards each other.  So do guard against this tendency, which is quite rampant, to almost panic and feel that anything can happen to you at any time. This simply is not so. Don’t buy into this lie, or you will reap the same results, which is the same ruin and loss that you are seeing all over. 

More than at any other time, dear friends, it is imperative that you do not believe as the world does,  and that you use your knowledge to your advantage – the knowledge that what happens to you is a direct result of your own belief systems, held by you subconsciously. These belief systems are the basic bedrock of your own subconscious minds, and what truly determines what will out picture on the screen of your daily life.  The only difference between yourself and a person who seems to be doing quite well, no matter what the stock market says, is the belief system of each one.  This is precisely why some people can do amazing things when compared to the rest of us, and why we do much better than some of our brethren, whether in the financial sector of life or any other field of endeavor. 

There is also the common belief that we cannot change anything within ourselves at a deep level, at least not without the help of a psychiatrist or some other expert in the human mind. What makes one an expert in this field? It is not, we can tell you solidly, a very expensive education only,  and instead, it can be accomplished by just about anyone who is willing to take the trouble and time to do some studying about its mysteries, until they are mysteries no longer.  

The subconscious mind is our intended “ways and means committee,” and made originally to do our bidding.  It is the special gift that the Divine Mind has given to each one of us, to act as a personal servant and procuring agent in this world of form.  To clarify this, our subconscious minds are programmed to do whatever we ask them to do.  They are the masters at arriving at whatever we need in any given case, and to be able to provide this for us, without our having to wrack our brains worrying how to get it. In other words, the correct way to use this great and resourceful agent within our own minds is to place before it, a picture, a well-thought-out plan for it to accomplish.
The subconscious mind is much better suited than our conscious minds to do the research we need to be done to acquire what we need. The subconscious mind is meant to function as our “ways and means committee.” Imagine the head of a large company who calls a meeting to let it be known what he wants to accomplish by the year’s end to his “ways and means committee”. Being the boss, it isn’t his place to outline how he wants certain things to be done specifically. He is rather the head that decides what he needs and wants, and to then communicate this end to those in his employ, whose job it is to do all the research needed to find the best, quickest, and least troublesome ways to bring this about.  That is their job, just as working out of the details of how to accomplish any given goal is the job of the subconscious mind itself.

Another common and yet fatal mistake to be made is something that most of us are guilty of doing, at least once or twice in our lives.  Having given our goal to the subconscious mind, we are best advised to leave it alone to do its job, without doing what has come to be called “micromanaging” it in its duties.  So, once having given the model to follow to the faithful subconscious mind, we should train ourselves to leave it alone, at least for the time it takes to master the job and to accomplish its orders. This often proves rather difficult for many good people to do, and they find themselves interfering with the creative process whilst it is working.

This is always counter-productive and should be avoided at all costs. If the subconscious mind cannot accomplish the task asked of it, it will let you know in a very clear way. 

A good example of this principle that I have been fond of using again and again in this way is that of a little boy who wants a bicycle. He is only about 5 or 6 years old, but he knows that he wants a bike of his own. Having borrowed the bikes of his friends long enough, he, at last, comes to the realization that he wants one of his own, and THAT HE CAN HAVE ONE TOO. At that point, he will usually do what most children do quite naturally.  He will simply start visualizing having one for himself, and it will never enter his mind that -” just maybe he can’t have one”. That is the furthest thing from him, for he still retains the inner knowing of how we all provide things for ourselves in the inner planes, and that is by simply visualizing what we want and not allowing any doubts to enter our creative mind.


He will usually start talking about this to everyone he knows, parents included, and they will simply hear him say that soon, soon enough, he’ll have a bike of his own, and a particular type too.  So it is here that we see the correct use of these laws that govern creations, simple and complex. No matter what the dimension of the creation, the way to attain it is the same. To visualize it clearly, and to see ourselves with it, becomes automatically a command to our subconscious minds, who are our properly functioning servants, our own personal “ways and means committees.”  Isn’t life grand when we, at last, get this ancient way of obtaining just about anything we need or desire and quit trying to micromanage our servants as they do their jobs?

We think so. Try it, dear ones., and see if things don’t come to you much easier than ever before.

Back to our little boy who wants the bike. It never enters his mind that he can’t have one for any reason. That would be counterproductive, and he intuitively knows this too. It never bothers him for a second that he doesn’t have a job or any money with which to buy a bike. That isn’t the way that he gets all that he gets. No sir,  he knows better than that. He also knows that if he can just keep expecting a bike with all his heart, that somehow,  in some way, it will come to him, and you know what? It does. This is simple magic at its best. Magic is often referred to as the ability to produce change at will –   to be able to have what one wants, and when one wants to have it. .  Little Johnnie has done this with almost everything that he owns.  He only knows what he knows, that he can have what he wants, when he really wants it hard enough, then all he has to do is to wait for it to come to him, by whatever means it takes to get to him. There will be no lack of ways for the universe to deliver his wish, whether he wins it in a raffle, or his grandparents choose to give it to him for a birthday present, or some other way – the point is, he gets it! 

And finally, one last question to conclude this hopefully interesting article on what and how the Guides see our condition and some of its inevitable problems that do arise in the lives of most of us here on earth.

I have some friends who are always giving me their opinions about anything that I mention to them, as some plans I may have made or am in the process of making. If I don’t agree with them, or say that I’m going to do what I have chosen to do, in spite of their advice and opinions, they always get angry or stop talking to me for a while. What to do in a case like this? I’m puzzled.

First of all, you might try not to tell them of your plans until these have been launched. 

In other words, these friends of yours are trespassing upon your free will, at your invitation, I might add.  This is where the trouble truly lies, within yourself. If you feel to proceed in some direction, then you should jolly well do it. In asking for input from anybody,  you are leaving yourself open to this kind of pressure that the opinions of others are sure to bring.  Your real question should be why do I feel that I have to ask my friends before I make a move on my own…For it is here that the liability truly lies.  You seem to suffer from some kind of insecurity about following your own intuition or inner feelings, and so when it comes to simply following through with your plans, you feel some kind of fear that you might be doing the wrong thing.  It comes to us that you started this rather long and uncomfortable path of living when you were but an adolescent and your stepmother had a bad habit of questioning your every move, in that she herself was basically insecure and so projected this uncomfortable state of mind onto you. As she did this increasingly, it eroded your own self-confidence, causing you to begin this cycle of self-doubt that plagues you to this very day. Do you remember those days?  

She didn’t like you or your sister, and yet couldn’t show this outwardly lest she show your father this flaw in her own character, and that was out of the question. In fact, one of the major things that he liked about her was that she seemed to get on with you two girls so well, as she continually assured him.  She was living a lie, and it was bound to show. It came to a head when that event occurred wherein she decided to not invite you and your sister to their anniversary party, and when asked why later you two were not in attendance, her lie was too transparent. He resolved to ask you two, did the following day, and when hearing the truth of the matter, his feelings about her began to change, ultimately ending in their separation the following year. Surely you remember this. 

What you were not aware of until now was how her feelings and words had become part of your own subconscious mind’s workings and mechanisms. This input from her own twisted subconscious mind caused yours to become less confident, for she had a strange way of getting you to accept her opinions of yourselves. These erroneous concepts of yourselves, as they were accepted, became as self-sabotaging mechanisms that have been working against you ever since. See how potent the ideas of others can be in our own lives when we are so unwise or unwary as to allow these things to enter? So often we see things like this, and whenever we can, we try to alert the parties involved.  In some cases. We are given help in doing this, and then corrections are made, and all is well. But in all too many of the cases thus observed and detected,  there is little we can do, and especially when the person involved isn’t one of our wards, so less are we authorized to act. You are fortunate to have caught this as and when you have, so now you can correct the error.  Would that all such cases could be corrected as easily, remains our prayer and desire.  That’s all.


Suddenly, and without warning, the Guides began speaking about the Divine Mother, and how She is now truly beginning with a very merciful housecleaning.




“IT IS NOT WHAT GOES INTO THE MOUTH OF MAN THAT DEFILES HIM, BUT EVERY WORD THAT ISSUES OUT OF THAT MOUTH.” Comment made by the Master JESUS on being confronted by the PHARISEES on why his disciples hadn’t washed their hands before seating themselves to eat. It should be noted that a trap had been laid for them, as they were separated from the Master shortly after entering the household, and weren’t offered any towels or basins with which to wash.

“WHATSOEVER YE HAVE DONE TO THE LEAST OF THESE, MY BRETHREN, YE HAVE DONE IT ALSO UNTO ME.”   Master Jesus on how we treat each other, directed at those who may think it has no meaning if no one sees it, or we are not caught by some earthly authority in mistreating each other or anyone.

All such reminders should be taken as only that – reminders of the Dos and Dont’s of life. 

None of us are really expected to be perfect, not as yet, for that is why we are still on this earth, attending it as a child attends a schoolroom, to learn, to grow in some ways, and to master what may have eluded us in lives past. At last, this time we just may get it right, and then be free of this lesson – for eternity. And of course, it all seems to come down to just being nice, and treating others as you would like to be treated yourself. The Golden Rule! Now we see why it is Golden!  Peace! 


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