Message from Master Kuthumi

My Dear Friends,

It will come to pass in this new cycle we are entering that Tolerance will soon be seen as a most necessary virtue. Why should this be so?

Simply because as this new and greater time fans out and becomes your daily reality, it will bring with it a plethora of new additions to the already complex scene of life on earth, which may need to be tolerated, at least until they can be understood and finally appreciated.

So much talk about the Aquarian Age should alert some that its qualities will soon be governing the scene in the way of anything and everything new and different, unconventional, and unique.

What will you do when your son announces to you that what he wants to do with his life is not only different from what you had hoped for, but also against some of the values you hold dearest? Will you disown him for exercising his free will? Or will you have a sweet tolerance for his views and wisely realize there is little you can do to change them anyhow?

It is only childish arrogance, a symptom of spiritual immaturity, that demands that life conform to one’s own views and rejects what does not. And indeed, it will be the most open-minded souls who enjoy the greatest measure of peace as they sweetly accept what they will perceive as the unfolding plan of Evolution.

Mine eyes have penetrated into a future where mankind has, at last, stopped the futile attempts to delay the inevitable, and where all acknowledge that what exists, exists for many good reasons and must be honored as such.

Will you then, dear ones, join this wonderful parade bound for Enlightenment? You can, you know, simply by practicing Tolerance as a religion and becoming a part of the future today. Welcome!  K.H. 



Message from Master El Morya

Well, well, well, some things never change! It seems to me that exactly a century ago my brother K.H. and myself were occupied in much the same pursuits, advising our younger brethren in ways of the Spirit and how to cautiously advance on the Path of Initiation.

Yet these days are different after all. For now, the times are short, and what one will need for the steep climb should already be in one’s backpack. These are the times of destiny when the results of one’s past efforts will speak loudest. 

Cycles end and begin. Great tempests will divide the sheep from the goats, the lambs from the wolves, and the givers from the takers. All are of accounting, and the Lord’s appointed stewards will see to rewards and just returns for all actions previously taken.

It is a time to be humble. 

It is a time to be alert. 

It is a time to seek the cup of cool water to hand to those most deserving of it.

Beloved, your Deliverance is at hand! You have been weaving out of your thoughts, words, and deeds, smiles, and criticisms. Your tapestries, such as they are, will be your blankets against a tempest. Shall they keep you warm with many threads of love and thoughtfulness that you have woven into your dealings with your fellows?

I think so. Only those who have prepared well for this future are likely to receive this message at all. 

It has already begun. Watch now for the truth of the Master’s words, spoken in prophecy 2,000 years ago, when he said: “ Two women will be grinding corn at a well. One will be taken and the other left.”

One’s actions, like well-trained doves, always return to their home. So be it!

Awaiting your homecoming with open arms!

I Am M


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  1. Edit: Emotional,…with gratitude…to both Masters: Master Kuthumi and Master El Morya

  2. Emotional,… with gratitude… to both Masters.

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