Prayers and Decrees

Why is it a Good Idea to do Prayers, Decrees, and Affirmations?
There are many, many good reasons to incorporate prayers, decrees, and affirmations into your life. One of them being Clarity with a capital C.
When you do each of these, you are not only clarifying what you want for yourself but also, very importantly, to the Universe.
The Universe meaning, your helpers and guides in spirit and all of Divinity.
You are decreeing what you would like to occur so that you may receive help from all of them.
If we don’t have clarity as to what we want, it makes it very difficult, if not impossible to receive help.
Once you have clarity and begin to pray, decree, or affirm it, you are putting the wheels in motion to begin the creation.
Praying for others and life everywhere is always a good idea. Your positive energy and love go out to the situations or persons for which you are praying. Your prayers also go into the human thought strata, which help to offset the negativity and fear around our planet.
“Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee!”
Every moment each man or woman creates his own future. Life, which is a God-given gift, continually acts to fulfill man’s spoken or unspoken desires. Human thoughts and feelings are decrees in themselves and do produce with certainty and justice after their kind—whether joy or sorrow. Although they live in a sea of wisdom, most men create in ignorance; their lives are therefore a mixture of both good and bad, a chaotic out-picturing of the so-called wheel of fortune.
Believing honest men and women want to rise above self-imposed bondage and would shed unhappy human qualities of thought and feeling—long endured but not cured— I AM offering these decrees to the world, in the sunlight of divine Love and Light.

Their constant and faithful use will plant the ever-fertile ground of human consciousness with seeds of grace and sprouts of mercy. These in turn will yield the harvest of a new life, a personal harvest of harmony and abundance quickly fulfilled at your call through individual growth and the expansion of God’s sacred fire.
Like the balm of Gilead, these decrees will anoint the weary souls of earth’s children and bind human hearts together with the ascended hosts, making the human and the divine one family which can and will establish forever peace and victory in the Light of God which never fails.
As you daily follow the ritual of invocation and decree, accept my blessing personally given from the Retreat of God’s Will here in Darjeeling, on behalf of the Great White Brotherhood—from heart, head, and hand!
I AM Morya
(Source: Summit Lighthouse)
Below are Some of Our Favorite Prayers and Decrees
- A General Prayer for Beginning Your Day
- A Traditional Prayer to One’s Guardian Angels
- For Inspiration
- Protection of Loved Ones
- Help Me to Change the World
- The Great Invocation
- A Prayer for Peace and Protection
- Affirmations for Abundance
- Affirmations for Health and Wellbeing
- Prayer for Humanity
- The Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
- Heart, Head and Hand Decrees; by El Morya
- Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree by the Ascended Master Saint Germain
Decrees, Prayers, and Affirmations for Jump Starting the Day

“What has been suggested by Those Who dictated these to me, is that their daily use can provide great benefits to your life. So, it will be by experimenting with them that you’ll be able to see this truth for yourself.”
– Rev. Arthur Hakalani Pacheco
A General Prayer for Beginning Your Day
A general prayer for beginning your day that should be easy to memorize, and then, you’ll have it forever after. God bless.
O light of God that never fails, that never did, and never will,
I AM asking you today to take full charge of all that I do and see.
I AM asking that You be the One Who organizes my day, and
please see to it that all that happens today is totally Your Will.
Use me in any way that pleases You, and let me see what You see.
I AM grateful for this chance to invite You into my life and affairs.
A Traditional Prayer to One's Guardian Angels
To Whom God’s love entrusts me here
Ever this day be at my side
To light, To Guard, To Rule, and Guide
It’s done today, it’s done to stay, it’s done God’s way.
(repeat 3x)
For Inspiration
I AM here, use me to fulfill Your Will today and every day.
Let me be that which speaks Your name most clearly,
always bringing order out of chaos, and faith where there is doubt.
Fill my mind with Your ideas.
Fill my eyes with Your sight.
And, fill my heart with Your Love which is unconditional
and all-encompassing.
Let me be Thy Witness upon earth now and forever.
I AM grateful for all of this Bounty of Thy Self forever!
Give me the Courage to speak up when You would have something said.
And, please give me the Courage and Energy to do what You would have done in any situation that I see.
So be it always.
Protection for Loved Ones
O, great God of all Creation, I AM Thy child, and also Thy heir.
(here speak the name/s of those you seek protection for)
I AM calling for their protection in all situations,
from any dangers or mishaps of any kind.
Let them always have warning if any danger threatens, coming from any source whatsoever, whether seen or unseen, known or unknown, embodied or disembodied.*
Let them always have it made known to them when surrounded by those not friendly or well-meaning.
And give them an escape from danger or mishap whenever necessary.
Thank You, God, of All Life.
* – it is a fact of the unseen worlds that lie all around and above us, that there are those there who can and at times do, move against us for any number of reasons. These are too numerous to list, but just like people on earth have so many reasons why they do the things they do, so it is with those denizens of the unseen worlds, who have the added advantage of our not being able to see them, so as not to be able to know when they may be active.
Phrases like “the devil made me do it,” are indications of just such activities, and shouldn’t be taken so lightly, or simply as figments of someone’s imagination. Although these can only rarely be proven, they are real and can affect most people. So in asking for protection around anybody, it’s a good idea to keep this in mind and include it in our protection prayers.
Help Me to Change the World
This I would know, and then, have the courage to act out.
Please allow me to know Thyself more closely and more genuinely.
Let me know Thy ways of Love, Wisdom, and Power, and whenever and wherever appropriate, allow me to show this to the world at large.
The Great Invocation*
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men
May Christ return to earth.
From the Center where the Will of God is known
Let Purpose guide the little wills of men
The Purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the Center which we call the race of men,
Let the Plan of Light and Love work out,
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Love and Light and Power restore the Plan on earth.
* – This prayer, “The Great Invocation,” was given to a lady by the name of Alice A. Bailey in the early 20th century and intended for all humanity to use. It is not a denominational prayer, although it contains the phrase, “may the Christ return to earth.” This refers to the Christ Principle in all people and is not intended as a religious reference.
A Prayer for Peace and Protection
We come before you asking for your heavenly help in all things that we do. We ask for your holy protection always, so that the work we are meant to do in this world will not be disrupted or delayed in any way, but will proceed with the greatest of ease, peace, and blessings. We are grateful for all the good we have been able to do by Your Grace up until now, so we come asking for further protection at all times and in all situations so that we can continue to serve the Will of God.
We call for round-the-clock protection around our homes and the places we work, eat, play, and sleep. We call for solid protection around our loved ones at all times as well, that they can never be used to harm anyone or anything at any time. We call for their protection so that they can never be used as pawns or tools of darkness, which is only ignorance of God’s Love.
Keep us always in the brightest Light. Keep us immune to the negative pulls of planets, people, or spirits. Keep us happy and see the Truth in every situation, and free of judgments against our brethren. And keep us always alert to potential dangers coming from any source whatsoever, whether seen or unseen, known or unknown, embodied or disembodied. And may we always have an avenue of escape from danger or mishap whenever necessary.
Let us truly be instruments of the Divine, seeing clearly what would be the best course of action to take, if any, in every situation that we see. Speak words of wisdom and counsel into our listening ears, and see to it that we are always surrounded by angels of light, protection, wisdom, and love. Let us truly reflect on the Presence of God on earth as it is in Heaven.
See to it that our lives are filled with laughter, joy, and love always. And may we be empowered to bring these same blessings into the lives of all those we contact. Let healings occur in our presence, and miracles too.
(repeat 3x)
Affirmations for Abundance
I AM* the Resurrection and the Life of my Finances, now made manifest in my hands and use today and always. 3X
I AM grateful for having all my needs met all of the time.
I AM also grateful for having all that I need in life all of the time.
I AM now an attractive force for Abundance, and do magnetize to myself all that I need in any situation all the time.
I AM a money magnet, always drawing to myself riches and that which is truly from the Heart of God for myself and my family.
I AM an outpost of the Divine. I AM always surrounded by an atmosphere of Prosperity and Abundance, which draws to me effortlessly all that I need or desire.
I AM that aura of great wealth that I AM always expanding so that it reaches out to all of Creation and draws more wealth unto me.
“Likes Attract” is the law that brings me more of the same abundance that I AM and that I wear daily.
I AM the Magic Presence that is now taking full care and charge of my life, and providing all that I will ever need.
WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! (then you might want to visualize the amount you need to fill your current needs).
* – The two words I AM, when used together, are known to cause a significant release of creative energy. One of the Masters of Wisdom took the time to explain this principle of energy mechanics, adding that this is the main reason anything said after these two words receives a significant inflow of creative energy. This is why affirmations beginning with these words have more power than not using them. Thus, it is also a good idea to avoid saying anything negative or limiting when using this phrase, such as “dumb, stupid, always late, poverty-stricken, or any other such words.” To do so is like shooting oneself in the foot, which is very counterproductive.
Affirmations for Health and Wellbeing
I AM the Magic Presence, My physical body maintains the perfect balance of acidity and alkalinity, the perfect PH balance.
I AM the Magic Presence, My physical body maintains the perfect weight, muscle tone and strength.
I AM the Magic Presence, keeping my physical body perfect, youthful and in radiant health always.
I AM the Magic Presence, I AM now creating the perfect amount of Human Growth Hormone so that my physical body does not age.
I AM the Magic Presence, now moving in the direction God wants me to move in.
I AM the Magic Presence, everything I need is already provided for me.
I AM the Magic Presence, now having the wisdom to know how to best use my energies for total success in all things I attempt.
Prayer for Humanity
I call to the Dear Beloved Lords of Karma and to all the Dear Beloved Divine Beings of Light.
Please Intercede on our behalf, that of Humanity. Please stop the darkness that pervades here on this earth. Send it back to whence it came!
I am asking for Divine Intervention in our world affairs. To stop all of the pain and suffering at the hands of those who have no love in their hearts. May they be exposed for who they are! Let the curtain be pulled back and the truth be known for all to see!
I call to you, Beloved Pallas Athena, to please Expose the truth, Expose the lies! Let the world see the truth! May humanity come to know love again in their hearts and fear be removed forever! Let the dark ones be vanquished and pushed right off this earth!
Let all see what is really going on. How so many are being fooled and lied to. Let the greedy, non caring, non loving souls be exposed for who they are Now! I say let it be done Now!
Let the Light Shine and the Truth be known as the Lords of Karma do decree. Let the Light of God replace the darkness Now and Forever! Let Love and Light flourish throughout the lands!
Let there be Peace
The Prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, let me bring pardon.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring light.
And where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
O Divine Master grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled, as to console,
To be understood, as to understand,
To be loved, as to love. For
IT IS IN GIVING that we receive,
IT IS IN PARDONING that we are pardoned, and
IT IS DYING TO SELF that we are born to Eternal Life.
Heart, Head, and Hand Decrees by El Morya
1 - Heart
2 - Head
(Imagine a pulsating violet flame in your heart cleansing you of all negative emotions.)
Violet Fire, thou Love Divine,
Blaze within this heart of mine!
Thou art Mercy forever true,
Keep me always in tune with you. 3x
(Bring the violet flame up into your head and allow it to remove all negative and limiting thinking.)
I AM Light, thou Christ in me,
Set my mind forever free;
Violet Fire, forever shine
Deep within this mind of mine.
God who gives my daily bread,
With Violet Fire fill my head
Till Thy radiance heaven-like
Makes my mind a mind of light. 3x
3 - Hand
4 - Tube of Light
I AM the hand of God in action,
Gaining Victory every day;
My pure soul’s great satisfaction
Is to walk the Middle Way. 3x

(Visualize a bright, white light shining down like a tube extending from your I Am Presence about a foot above your crown down to your toes. Within this tube see your body radiating with violet light.)
Beloved, I AM present bright,
Round me seal your Tube of Light
From Ascended Master flame
Called forth now in God’s own name.
Let it keep my temple free
From all discord sent to me.
I AM calling forth Violet Fire
To blaze and transmute all desire,
Keeping on in Freedom’s name
Till I AM one with the Violet Flame. 3x
5 - Forgiveness
6 - Supply
(Send out forgiveness for the wrongs you have inflicted upon others, and for what others have inflicted upon you.)
I AM Forgiveness acting here,
Casting out all doubt and fear,
Setting men forever free
With wings of Cosmic Victory.
I AM calling in full power
For Forgiveness every hour;
To all life in every place
I flood forth forgiving Grace. 3x
I AM free from fear and doubt,
Casting want and misery out,
Knowing now all good Supply
Ever comes from realms on high.
I AM the hand of God’s own Fortune
Flooding forth the treasures of Light,
Now receiving full Abundance
To supply each need of Life. 3x
7 - Perfection
8 - Transfiguration
I AM life of God-Direction
Blaze thy light of Truth in me.
Focus here all God’s Perfection,
From all discord set me free.
Make and keep me anchored ever
In the Justice of thy plan—
I AM the Presence of Perfection
Living the Life of God in man! 3x
I AM changing all my garments,
Old ones, for the bright new day;
With the Sun of Understanding
I AM shining all the way.
I AM Light within, without;
I AM Light is all about.
Fill me, free me, glorify me!
Seal me, heal me, purify me!
Until transfigured they describe me:
I AM shining like the Son,
I AM shining like the Sun! 3x
9 - Resurrection
10 - Ascension
I AM the Flame of Resurrection
Blazing God’s pure Light through me.
Now I AM raising every atom,
From every shadow I AM free.
I AM the Light of God’s full Presence,
I AM living ever free.
Now the flame of Life eternal
Rises up to Victory. 3x
I AM Ascension Light,
Victory flowing free,
All of Good won at last
For all eternity.
I AM Light, all weights are gone.
Into the air I raise;
To all I pour with full God Power
My wondrous song of praise.
All hail! I AM the living Christ,
The ever-loving One.
Ascended now with full God Power, I AM a blazing Sun! 3x
Source: Summit Lighthouse
Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree by the Ascended Master Saint Germain
O my constant, loving I AM Presence, thou Light of God above me whose radiance forms a circle of fire before me to light my way:
I AM faithfully calling to thee to place a great pillar of Light from my own Mighty I AM God Presence all around me right now today! Keep it intact through every passing moment, manifesting as a shimmering shower of God’s beautiful Light through which nothing human can ever pass. Into this beautiful electric circle of divinely charged energy direct a swift upsurge of the violet fire of Freedom’s forgiving, transmuting flame!
Cause the ever expanding energy of this flame projected downward into the forcefield of my human energies to completely change every negative condition into the positive polarity of my own Great God Self! Let the magic of its mercy so purify my world with Light that all whom I contact shall always be blessed with the fragrance of violets from God’s own heart in memory of the blessed dawning day when all discord—cause, effect, record, and memory—is forever changed into the Victory of Light and the peace of the ascended Jesus Christ.
I AM now constantly accepting the full power and manifestation of this fiat of Light and calling it into instantaneous action by my own God-given free will and the power to accelerate without limit this sacred release of assistance from God’s own heart until all men are ascended and God-free in the Light that never, never, never fails!
Many more prayers and decrees can be found in the book “Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation” by following the link below.
Source: Summit Lighthouse
My Ascended Masters