The Great Karmic Board
What is the Great Karmic Board and How Can We Ask Them for Help?

The Great Karmic Board consists of seven Celestial Beings, known as the Lords of Karma. It presides over the Karma of Humanity. For an analogy, They are the Highest Court in the World, as the Supreme Court is for the United States of America. These Magnificent Beings can be petitioned. This is a very ancient ritual and a powerful tool.
We have provided a detailed description below of who the Lords of Karma are and how to petition Them.
Petition to the Great Karmic Board
Beloved Lords of Karma, beloved Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy and Forgiveness, beloved Goddess of Liberty, Who graces our harbor in New York City, beloved Portia, Goddess of Justice and Opportunity, Whose blindfolded statue stands above most court houses in the land, beloved Mighty Cyclopea, who focuses the All Seeing Eye of God with which all secrets are revealed and all truths are easily discerned, beloved Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, wherever it is most necessary to know and see the simple Truth in any situation, as in the work that You all do constantly for us here on earth, beloved Nada, Goddess of Peace and Devotion, thank You all for all the work You do for us here on earth, as we are still evolving through the dimensions of Time and Space, and in the process of earning our Ascension in the Light, and beloved Great Divine Director, who oversees so much for so many. You Who holds all of our Divine Plans in Your causal body, and from which You oversee the Divine Plan for this lovely planet of ours, as it is changing hour to hour,
We thank You so very much for all the Power, Love and Wisdom with which You constantly shower us all with, as You continue to help us all in the discernment of our own natural Divine Plans and those of those with whom we share this holy earth of ours as our School.
Is this petition concerning a personal or impersonal problem, such as a planetary problem? Personal………………………………. Planetary and beyond……………………………………….
I come before You respectfully asking for Your aid in the following situation that has come to my attention recently. I do not feel that there is much that I can do personally to affect this in any significant way. So, therefore, I am grateful that by the Cosmic Law of Recourse, I do have recourse to coming to Yourselves, and asking for whatever divine intervention You may feel is appropriate for the actions committed, or left undone.
The Situation is the Following:
Here describe the situation that is under consideration, and keep in mind that They may know much about it already. So this only means that you don’t have to give too many details about its nature. Only list those significant facts that will clearly describe the true nature of the situation as you personally perceive it. Try not to get lost in too many details, as this might only serve to weaken your call’s true necessity. Do include all names of those involved, and any times too.
If you feel that this is “time sensitive” as most such cases are, then say so clearly. Don’t fear being disrespectful to the Lords of Karma, for in so doing, you may not describe some things that truly need to be listed and discussed. Speak/ Write freely, only omitting those facts that would seem to give too much unnecessary information.
We have been told before that many of the things that we choose to report to Them, They have known about for some time and have been waiting for someone on earth, to simply make the call. You needn’t add what you feel would be a fitting treatment of any people mentioned, for The Lords of Karma have dealt with countless cases that are similar, and know human nature so well, that for Them to select a mode of treatment is to say that this is the best way to deal with the situation. We can thank Them for all the “win-win” solutions that we have ever heard of, or have come up with ourselves. So you can understand with Whom you are dealing here.
If your petition has to do with a corporation or large group of people, then be sure to include the name of the company, corporation or whatever it is, and add the phrase: let all who are responsible for the harm that’s been done by this group/corporation or conglomerate be brought to justice and be held accountable for all that they’ve done.
Then, dear souls, you simply end your petition by signing your name, alongside the date you are submitting it to Them. The more traditional way of dispatching these off to Them is to burn the petition to ashes, getting rid of it on this dimension. This form of “posting” these petitions to Them is similar to the Native American tradition of sending up their prayers via a peace pipe, and allowing the wind to carry off the smoke of the pipe. This would then symbolize their prayers being delivered by the spirit of the Wind to the Great Spirit.
All is done then, and you simply go about your business, knowing that you have used one of the most effective tools that we all have at our disposal for dealing with these situations. We may feel these situations may be wrong, unjust, or downright harmful to any part of Life, but that, on the physical plane, we may not have any other thing to do to be able to affect the situation effectively.
It is to be noted that in a more traditional way of sending these petitions heavenward, it has been taught that we should read the petitions at least once a day, for three days. Doing this will promote your own more thorough understanding of the situation that you are hoping to help in the healing of. Although this practice certainly seems to deepen the experience for the sender, it is not completely necessary, and especially in cases where it seems that “the sooner the better” should come the response to our petitions, we can dispense with this formality, should we decide to intuitively.
This tool is a very privileged tool to have been given to us all. I feel that it is one of those that we can certainly share with our brethren, but only when we sense that they will use it respectfully. Such things were once only given to those who had attended special schools that were for the teaching of the deeper Mysteries of life.
So, it could be said that the very fact that you are in possession of this tool means that you are a soul who’s at that point of higher teaching and initiation. So what to do? Well, one thing is to simply live your life in such a way that when what you are petitioning for is handled by the Great Karmic Board, you can send back to Them a message of gratitude, and to keep up doing the best you can do in life. God bless you dear souls, and may that same spirit that got you this far, be the very one that takes you all the way Home. Aloha!