Yes, we can be affected or take on another person’s personal karma.

It can happen with anyone we are living in the same home with or are in close contact with on a regular basis. You will begin to experience what they are going through, and they will experience what you are going through. Each of your personal karma dictates how your life flows.  

If you know someone who is generating negative karma, then it would be a good idea to distance yourself from that person as much as possible. 

The same is true for being around someone who is generating positive karma; you can get the runoff from it, too.

It’s always a good idea to consider these possibilities when deciding who to spend your time with. 

When it’s not possible to distance yourself from families living in the same household, it’s a good idea to pray for protection from their negative karmic returns. 


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  1. Helena Te

    I have a question, rather than a comment: Noe talks about caregiving a family member – might that really extend to living in a family? For example, if parents have gone through trauma in their lives, children will be affected – isn’t that a form of taking on another person’s karma? Or does that fall in another category? If so, what?? Thank you for any enlightenment!

    • As far as children and parents go, I hear that children are affected by their parents’ karma because they live with and are cared for by them. But it’s not that the children will take on any of their karma unless they have that similar karma to deal with themselves.

  2. Noe Wilcox

    Caregiving of family members is a “karma rub-off”. When caregiving impacts the health and well-being of the caregiver, questions need to be asked within the family: What are the best outcomes for those involved? Are there any positives in this situation? Sometimes “better situations or settings” may not be available. So one needs to love and use grit to forge forward, with a whole lot of prayers of cleansing and purification and protection.

  3. Lee Cloud

    I had the experience of taking on my exhusbands karma after living together for 15 years.

    We had a very painful and dramatic break up which left me with a shattered heart. I moved out and moved on the best I could. I didn’t realize I was carrying some of his karma until the day it ended which was exactly a year later.

    I woke up Christmas morning with this huge sense of freedom and lightness in my being that felt so wonderful and intuitively knew my ties and karma with him had ended. I was relieved of a burden I didn’t even know I was carrying. The feeling was magical and I never forgot it.

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