Charles Webster Leadbeater was a prominent member of the Theosophical Society from 1883 to 1934. He worked alongside Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Annie Besant, and many others. He has authored over 60 books and pamphlets on spiritual and occult subjects. Arthur Hakalani suggests his books as a valuable resource for anyone […]
Read MoreCommunity Forum/Blog
William Dudley Pelley
During the early part of the twentieth century, a man who was a writer by trade suddenly had an experience that today would be known as an O.B.E., meaning Out of Body Experience. During the time that this was happening, he went to a very bright place, full […]
Read MoreCurrent World Affairs: A Cosmic View
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle gives us very potent ways to help change world affairs and create the world we want to live in. I asked Sir Arthur when they say “soon,” do they mean days, weeks, or months? His response was that when they talk about “soon,” he said that […]
Read MoreOn Men and Women by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Shall the days of communications ever come to an end? I trust not. My dear and beloved friends, again, it is my grand and holy privilege to adopt this body, in a fashion, that we can make known unto you all our own thoughts on this very sacred subject. It […]
Read MoreGlory by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
UNLEASH YOUR GLORY INTO THE PHYSICAL WORLD. A soul seeking to implement and unleash GLORY into the physical world is a precious soul indeed, and one not to be overlooked by those who deal in such things – The Merchants of Majesties that we all serve so lovingly. GLORY is the very hem of […]
Read MoreMessages from the Masters, Kuthumi and El Morya
Message from Master Kuthumi My Dear Friends, It will come to pass in this new cycle we are entering that Tolerance will soon be seen as a most necessary virtue. Why should this be so? Simply because as this new and greater time fans out and becomes your daily reality, […]
Read MoreFrom a Ravine in Tibet by Arthur Hakalani Pacheco
Some years ago, I was fortunate enough to see this remarkable movie. It was entitled, “Compassion in Exile.” It had to do with the current Dalai Lama, and his life as it has unfolded from the point of his remarkable birth to the current time when he is most interested […]
Read MoreWho is Estelle Roberts? by Arthur Hakalani Pacheco
I’m happy to be relating this tale of my meeting with she who has become a very dear friend and mentor on this of times awesome and truly challenging path that we all share. In answer to this question, I am taken back some twenty years or so. At that […]
Read MoreWomen, Power, and Responsibility by Estelle Roberts
Ladies, let power flow through your veins, resist it not. Meditate upon power, if you will, for you will find a treasure chest there, ready to be opened. Why linger at the door when the Mother that resides within beckons you come in? Overcome your shyness ladies, drop your veils […]
Read MoreTornados by Arthur Hakalani Pacheco
Lately, most of you may have noticed that the particular type of storm named tornadoes have been especially active. This is indeed the season for them to occur. It is commonly known that “tornado season” is usually from early Spring, and continues until late summer or so. Years ago, when […]
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