July 3, 1986The following is an address given by the Spokesman for the Council of Six, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle I thought I was done having to animate a body in the morning, but apparently not. Good morning, everyone. We are, as usual, your friends invisible. Hopefully, it should not […]
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Astrological Insights by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The moment has come. We convene under the bright, bright stars of heaven, acknowledging the importance of each and every one. So how can it be, my dears, that we can’t know something of the importance of that particular star that might have been shining the most brightly upon the […]
Read MorePainting Elephants by Arthur Hakalani Pacheco
This is something that came to my notice only a few short weeks ago. It has to do with animals. Now like many of you, I love animals and have had many as pets over the years. There have even been some rather “exotic” pets that I have chosen to […]
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