Arthur Hakalani Pacheco was, what is called, a deep trance medium which means that he is able to move aside temporarily so that a soul from the spirit realm can speak directly to the listeners. There were 16 Divine beings that spoke through him sharing their timeless wisdom and cosmic truths. Guiding us from their unique vantage point and giving us a window into their dimension. The messages were given between the years 1985 and 2013. Arthur Hakalani gave lectures and classes on various topics that are also included here.

We are told that the time frames of some of the predictions given by the guides have been delayed due to allowing for more souls to choose the light before some of the more dramatic changes occur.

Also, when the guides refer to an event that is going to occur “soon” they may mean even a decade or so. They explained that their interpretation of time in the spirit world is very different from the way that we experience time here. 

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Hakalani Pacheco

Arthur Hakalani Pacheco

Lady Master Mary

Lady Master Mary

The Divine Mother

The Divine Mother

Estelle Roberts

Lady Estelle Roberts

Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

Sivaya Subramuniya

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr

Frances the Bold

Sir Francis the Bold