Sir Francis the Bold

Frances the Bold Speaks About Courage

In one of his incarnations, he wore the name William Wallace. There was a movie made about him called “Braveheart.” He was one of Arthur’s main guides of the panel of six who worked with him from the spirit world. Frances the Bold comes with the message of Courage! “If we only knew the torrent of power that flows through each one of our hearts we would never fear anything again. Enlightenment and clarity we seek, be bold then! Stop procrastinating! Strive to do what you have been planning. Do what you need to do, regret nothing! In most cases, it’s better to act, than not to act. Thus you learn, you grow, and you acquire what you came to acquire.”

Frances the Bold, Once Known as "Braveheart" Speaks About Bravery

The trance address begins at 2:35.
“Know your own heart, be brave and go for what you really want! Make plans to get precisely what you want. Show up for your life and live!”