We’ve got the body now, and we can begin to speak. Well, first off, I think it is only proper that I might introduce myself to you. I want it understood that I do not work independently, rather than I function as a spokesman for a particular Council of which I am affiliated. Currently, we are attempting to speak through the medium’s vocal cords, as best as we can today, to get our thoughts across more clearly to you.

You see, it could almost be reminiscent of the days when the telephone was a bit rare. They had only one or two in any given neighborhood, and people would gather to communicate with someone at a distance. It was quite a thrill. So it is now, so it is now. But as with that same analogy, so shall it be in the decades soon to transpire that, well, there will be far more mediums you see. Far more people will have regained to their, shall we call it psychic sensitivities, the seeing and the hearing of the spirit realms.

I tell you, dear friends, it was never intended that mankind should be cut off from their spirit family. That’s been something that has occurred as a result of a certain amount of ignorance or ignoring the spirit realm. One is too engrossed, you see, in the physical dimension. One neglects one’s reality, which is spirit. One is never quite at home on the earth plane; you can’t be real, in that you are spirit, as are we all. Do you see? So it’s rather like a school. One goes to school and at times one forgets, you know, that one is at school and thinks one is at home. Doesn’t work like that. All it takes is dying though to bring it all back to you. I tell you, there is no death, there are no dead!

 When one discusses that thing known as healing, what is it really? Well, I say it is a form of recalling the truth about the individual, to the individual. ‘Tis not true that one is meant to have the disease. These things are unnatural. They are brought about through abnormal thought and feeling patterns. Perhaps karmic, you know, situations from before. But the point is that most accept the disease and this kind of thing all too willingly. Almost like they had no choice, you know. Oh you know, “I’ve got cancer,” and whatnot, and they just take it home like it’s a little pet puppy. Pity that.

No, no, one should think in terms of radiant health all the time. But more than anything, one should recall that mind over matter is the law of the universe. So, one should at least endeavor to try and work within consciousness, you see, and affect the physical body for the good. It is when they do this, then do they not affect it for the ill.

When one indeed has an illness, many people are all too happy to talk about it. Usually, they sit about and, you know, discuss their aches and pains. How the doctor told them this and that, and they will have this for the rest of their lives, and they would sit and live happily with it, you know. One wonders why? This seems rather insane!

But, at any rate, it would be as if one’s house were infested with rats. Well, one doesn’t just accept that, you know, you get rid of them. You do what you can. Why, if necessary, one would have to destroy the whole house. You know, burn it down to get rid of the pest and the vermin. You couldn’t live happily with rats, and yet some do. And that’s how they live with their illnesses we find. Nonetheless, this too shall pass.

But when it comes to healing and being a healer, what are we speaking about? We’re referring to that soul, who due to past life development, has reached a stage in their spiritual evolution, development, where they have realized the truth, that so-called illnesses and diseases can be rolled back. That by the influx of spirit energy, light if you will, healing light, often accompanied with color, which is simply a  frequency of vibration, and applied steadily, usually, it occurs more than once, that one can indeed affect the entire body chemistry, the entire molecular structure of the body.

For instance, the color pink tends to bring an influx of energy. The color yellow will tend to affect the mood for the good. One finds oneself more, shall I say, in a more positive state. The color green, of course, causes an increase in circulation bringing about an opening. Why look into nature. When you see green you know the plant is alive and doing well. When it goes brown, what then? It’s on its way out. Same with the physical body. So green then becomes obviously one of the major colors in the, shall we call it, the repertoire of the healer. At any rate, how does it work?

We have found that the greatest healers are mediums, hands down, that’s all there is to it. That the greatest healers are those who are fully cognizant of the fact that they themselves are but instruments. That they themselves are but those who are fortunate enough to be in touch with spiritual forces that heal through them. So when you’ve got a healer that would appear to be taking credit for the healing, you are looking at one who either is self-deluded or at least is deluding others. It’s never the case.

The Great and Holy Master Jesus, Himself, was quoted correctly as saying, “I of myself can do nothing, but the Father within me doeth the work.” Even He, you see, this great healer, raising the dead, healing leprosy, so-called incurables.

Which by the by, brings me to my next point. The fact that the current medical establishment has not seen fit to release the things that could take care of those conditions, does not mean that these things are incurable. When doctors say, “This is incurable”, what they really should be saying is, “we can’t cure it.” That is all.

As a mechanic, you know, who can’t fix your automobile. They should be honest and say, “We can’t do it, you know, we can’t, but perhaps someone else can. You know, I’ve heard this mechanic down the street is quite good.” They’ll not do that though, will they? No! No! It’s a money game with them. You must know that the cancer industry is the same, a billion-dollar industry. The things that we see, I tell you, would cause angels to cry. Yes!

At any rate, so the healer is not affiliated, of course, with the medical establishment, and usually scorned by them, unfortunately, for the very same reason, that they, the healer, can do things they often can’t. The healer will always have to adopt, shall I say, a frame of mind or consciousness with God, anything can be healed, for God is pure spirit. That this healing is not in the hands of men. It has been given out of the hands of the Divine, and they’re all things are possible.

What one does as the healer, you see, they take the condition, whatever it might be, into their consciousness, it would be as if they raised it out of the human realm into the higher dimension. This is all done in the healer’s consciousness which then becomes the bridge, you see, between the worlds. That’s what the healer’s value is, they know good and well that the spiritual forces can heal anything.

No such thing as an incurable disease, it’s nonsense, poppycock. That is man’s belief, slow and dull that it is. That’s man’s belief. These are man’s handheld inventions, little planes that can’t fly. Then again his teachers are the medical doctors, who are too puffed up with their own arrogance I’m afraid.

If they can’t heal it, it can’t be healed. Nonsense, that’s blasphemy. I say it’s good to keep an open mind.

One thing you’ll always want to get the patient to do is reprogram their own thinking amidst these very things. And make sure they get plenty of oxygen. There’s not enough oxygen in most people’s bodies, we find. Look at the old Hindu Yogis of India. These holy men lived well past a hundred years. Why? Because they breathed, yeah, they breathed, they breathed deeply. One should use those lungs to draw in the oxygen and to do it regularly. Oxygen itself, when its level is raised in the bloodstream, immediately begins to bring about healing in various and subtle ways. So the patient should always be primed and prompted into the science of breathing, the breath. Breath is life. You note people can go without food for long periods of time. They can even go without water for a few days, but oxygen, not at all. Minutes and they’re gone. So, let us look at that very important factor, oxygen.

The next thing is that the patient, of course, has got to engage in the process themselves. They’ve got to see things as they shall be. In other words, their mindset must be moved from point A, which is acceptance of their condition, to point B where it no longer exists, where they are absolutely free of it. A reasonable amount of time can be added, not to say that healing can’t occur, you know, spontaneously.  It certainly can, and one should allow for that constantly. But I’m saying that in most cases, due to karmic situations they may take some time.

 One doesn’t just jump up and say, “I shall be a healer, you know, and I’m about to begin my healing.” It isn’t like that. That’s arrogance. That’s ego speaking. No, no, one rather approaches humbly to the Great Throne of God. 

“Lord here I am. I am your instrument. I am willing and happy so to be. I am privileged. Open my eyes spiritually. Open my inner ears and my heart. Let me see clearly the inner realms that I can understand more clearly Thy Sacred Presence. And then when thou willeth Lord, poureth through me. Anoint me as David was anointed with sacred oil, and from that point forward he was able to slay giant Goliath. Anoint me with your sacred sight and healing, and when it pleases thee,  do let me know, and I will extend my hands and do what I can to be your hands and feet on the earth plane.”                                  

This is rather the prayer of a healer, you see? It’s rather an acceptance of that, the joyous acceptance and waiting on the Lord, so to speak. Pray and allow God to work through you!

God Bless You!


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