July 3, 1986
The following is an address given by the Spokesman for the Council of Six, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I thought I was done having to animate a body in the morning, but apparently not. Good morning, everyone. We are, as usual, your friends invisible. Hopefully, it should not always be so, but for the nonce we’ll accept it as that. Yes, it’s such an interesting process to go and come back from various travels, to step into a “coat,” pick it up, dust it off, throw a little water in its face and see what good it can do for that cycle. And this is how we must look at it as we enter immediately into the topic of this morning’s discourse which has to do with impersonality.

We tell you across the board, amongst the lot of you — you lovely bunch — that the lack of an impersonal attitude is the only thing that separates you from the next level of consciousness.

Quite frankly we don’t like the term consciousness. We think it is a bit too definitive. It’s not like from one day to the next you go from one level of consciousness to the next just because you know something today that you didn’t know yesterday. And so you see, it becomes a trite Earth term — but we use it. Now that you are getting more acquainted with our jargon, perhaps we can change the words a bit to where, we feel, they are more accurate.

Now, we‘d like to talk about personality, and here’s why: from time to time we have touched upon the subject of women and their positioning on the planet, in cosmology, and their various idiosyncrasies. A woman is such a lovely creature and we love to study her. It’s not only for that, believe us. It’s not like we’re botanists, you know, collecting butterfly samples or something.

No, it’s got everything to do with the fact that we have been clearly shown — and it’s so obvious to eyes without clay – the aspects of woman’s role in the so-called New Age, or that thing which is just ahead of you, call it the future if you will, we call it the next big step up, the next planet on which you will find yourself, though it might appear to be upon the same one, Terra. We say women shall have a leading role in it. Not in the old Amazonian tradition — well, that didn’t work, did it? No, some of you know it didn’t work. You need Amazons as much as they need you!

A woman’s role in the Age to come, and in its dawn which is upon us all, is rather significant. And yet, how shall she fulfill this role? For you see, women have a certain key, built-in characteristics, and idiosyncrasies. Of the two sexes, we’d have to say that woman is definitely the more personal, whereas man is known as the more impersonal.

Well, to get through the eye of the needle, ladies, you’ll have to take a walk on the other side and become a bit less personal — and the gentleman would do well to get a bit more personal from time to time, depending on the situation.

You have some steps to take because you enter the Age of Aquarius, which is an air sign. For you astrology bugs, Aquarius is mental and known for being a bit detached. You know, astrologers have this joke, something about the only way to get really warm with an Aquarian is to get cremated with him! Aquarians can be loving but they are very impersonal for the most part. They think nothing of remaining aloof for hours on end. Whereas, the very personalized Cancer or Taurus couldn’t dream of not being touched at least five times a day. You know “Please touch me. Anything!”

Anyhow, we’re not talking about a fault of women, but rather a quality that is personal. It so happens, in the cosmic timing of things, that we’re entering into an age that is quite impersonal. We know woman shall and is rising to the challenge. She shall indeed overcome the pitfalls of personality wherever necessary.

Now, how to get impersonal. Well, here is the rule of thumb: try to think of everyone as energy, not as people. We know you’ve heard that before but, we dare say, very few have actually tried it for any significant period of time. And what do we mean? Well, we come today, inviting, suggesting, cajoling if you will — wooing you if necessary — to have a day or number of days wherein you try to be as impersonal as possible.

That means you don’t react to what people say or do towards you, whether for good or ill. You more or less keep a foolish smile on your face all day long because it’s all the same to you. If they love you, it’s great; if they don’t, that’s great too. And you just keep on going. If you’ll try that, we dare say, you’ll start noticing some very interesting experiences; for there’s an old saying in the Scriptures — and we’ll wax a bit biblical here: greater is He that is within you, than he, that is in the world. In this case, She. Greater is She that is within you, then she, that is in the world.

It doesn’t mean that you walk around with your nose in the air. Snobbishness is not allowed in Heaven. There are spirit planes where it does manifest, but not heavenly ones. Heaven is a state where you see the Love and Light in your brothers’ and sisters’ eyes and enjoy it. It’s that simple. Thus, you can indeed have Heaven on Earth, as some of you have already noticed — you who sit here in a little chunk of it — for which we commend you and think it’s righteous you should do so. (He is speaking about Hawaii)

Now we come to the crux of the matter, which is not really noticing so much what people are going to do or what they ought to do, but what they are actually manifesting. You folks here on Earth like to speak in terms of … (pause) we’re getting this out of the medium’s mind, by the by.

You see, what we do is when we’ve got a thought, we’ll drop it like a magnet with a line on it into the water of the medium’s subconscious mind. Whatever sticks to it is how he would express it. Do you see? That’s how it goes. So, we’re thinking a thought and we’ve dropped our line with a magnet to see what filings are drawn to it. What we come up with is a phrase called, “cop an attitude.” Isn’t it odd? Cop an attitude. Oh well…when you “cop an attitude,” concerning what people are about, what they’re up to, what they shall do and all that, you’re not really paying attention to what actually is manifesting.

Now, you know we harp so long and hard upon the word evidence, that thing which is seen. In other words, evidence is what is produced. “By their fruits, ye shall know them,” said Jesus. Not what you think they shall do or are up to, but what they actually produce, evidence

So again, advancement has everything to do with impersonality in the sense that one is not into the personal self saying, “I think she’s this. I wish she would be that. It would be so much easier for me if she would do this.” It’s more a matter of dealing with the energy as it comes, such as it comes, packaged as it comes. You simply meet it at the door, so to speak, just like the postman can walk up at any moment, ring the bell, and say, “This is for you.” You rarely know what it is. You just take the box and sign for it, don’t you?

Well, so should it be amongst people. Realize, that we are speaking to you from the future. We are describing conditions that shall indeed reign in approximately 60 to 70 years upon this planet. We’re saying you’ll notice most people at that time will have so much more attention focused upon their own Higher Self and higher goals that they don’t have time, energy, or interest to walk around snooping to see what someone else is up to. No time to ponder, “What will she do next week when we get together?”

You see, it’s called suspicion. It’s very personal and actually partakes of the lower realms of the personal. It’s rather ugly to see in the aura because it looks like you just walked through a mud puddle.

Impersonality, friends, is truly a key, and it’s not only for you ladies but obviously for the gentlemen as well. An impersonal human being regards all those about him as reflections of himself. He awakens one day and says, “I’m in a hall of mirrors. This day I am walking in a hall of mirrors.” Try that sometime. Watch how eye-opening it is. If someone sticks her head out the car window and yells at you, remember, you’re in a hall of mirrors.

Ask yourself if you have done that to someone or if you are yet capable of doing it. You must be, or else why would it be reflected? So you see, logic is everything. Philosophy is all. Think from the angle of consciousness: I am walking in a hall of mirrors. All things that are seen are me reflected in some fashion. If I like it, perhaps I understand its purpose. Conversely, if I do not like it, perhaps I don’t understand its purpose. Then, I shall sit myself down and do a bit of homework. So, friends, you see how important it is.

By the by, when someone directs something at you that you don’t think is righteous, we don’t mean you’ve got to be a doormat, for you don’t. You never have to let anything or anyone defile the God Self within you. Never should you. It’s almost like when they fold up the flag at the end of the evening, tradition has it that they never let it touch the ground. And so should it be with your own God Self—never let it touch the ground, never let it get defiled by the dust of the Earth. Keep it aloft. And if you’ve got your attention upon that, you’ll have many fewer attention units to spend, you know, slinging them here and there, upon this one, that one, and the next.

Impersonality is the key, friends, and not only is it the key, but you might also almost consider it a Ring-Pass-Not. For until you master it, we guarantee you shall not get beyond your present state of consciousness.

Some of you have asked, “What’s my next step?” Behold! ’Tis before you. How impersonal can you be? How God-like and impersonal can you be?

And, here’s the next thing: speaking of impersonality, you’ve all heard the phrase, “God is no respecter of persons.” Oh, my dear ones, how true that is! We’ve all found that out—much to our chagrin and great dismay. You know, we all laugh at the little human tendency to think it’s something special. Some have thought, “Well, I did this, this, and this last year, so God’s going to let me slide today. I have good karma in the books.” It doesn’t work like that. Whatever you’ve done that’s reaping your positive karma has, no doubt, long since gone to balance the negative from previous times—lest you think your account book is too fat.

We don’t intend to demean any of you—we trust you know that. We’re merely giving you a realistic view of the whole thing. You’re still getting over your own past follies, so to speak. And you’re doing a bang-up job of it! But it’s not done yet, and we would be remiss if we did not inform you of that salient fact.

One last thing: since God is no respecter of persons, what does that mean and where does it lead us? It leads to this: because that is true, you can’t merge with more of that Light until you are as impersonal as God is. And don’t think you can’t be overtaken! Imagine, if you will, the lot of you as a throng, a mighty crowd, rushing toward the Light. And yet, some of you— simply because you began sooner or had the good fortune to rack up some very good karma somewhere along the line—might think that you’ve got it over others so that you can’t be taught anything. We tell you, it’s nonsense. Poppycock!

You can all be caught up. You can all be overtaken. He or she, who is more intent upon growth than you, will manifest a greater acceleration of that growth and you’ll see them walk right by you!

Don’t forget the old story of the tortoise and the hare. It is important due to its bottom-line truth. Whoever is determined, whoever is sincere, forgets his own travail and gets to the goal. And the hares who think they’re so clever, simply because they started sooner or they’re quick or something, will find themselves shut out at the last moment due to their own cleverness. Once the great Lord Gautama warned, “Young man, beware of too much cleverness.” We say it again: beware of too much cleverness, friend. It’s nice to be clever; it’s better to be sincere.

For some reason, which we know must be very Godly, we are very aware of the great Healing Presence of the Lady Master Mary these days—as if She is enveloping this planet in a more than the usual amount of Her Healing Radiation. We don’t know what’s going on up there, but we’ll tell you one thing: there’s a constant shower of the most lovely white, pink, and emerald Light, and we know it’s coming directly from Her. So, we’ll trust that She will let us know sooner or later what we can do to help in Her mission. Meanwhile, meditate upon this.


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