Lord Ganesha

Ganesha Chronicles
Ganesha Speaks
“These then are the Ganesha Chronicles. Spoken, so that any may hear them, and if read, so that they may be easily understood. It is not so, that I will not come to the sinner. It is not so, that I am distant from those who perform not rituals, or who do not observe ceremonies, as the learn-ed do. This is a goal after all. A goal of courtesy to the Gods. Is it asking too much? I think not. So then, let it be understood that those who say unless you do perform ceremonies and puja, I will not attend. This is not so, I attend to all. Is it not obvious? I tend the gardens of the Lord, of My Father Shiva. And I am He who forgets nothing and remembers it all. Remember that beloved. I am simple in my essence, easy to behold. If your mind is not closed to my form. Yet, I take the form for good reasons, too many to mention here. Or, shall I have to recite each one of your names? I Am He who comes as an Elephant-Faced God.
Yet, I am He who reminds you first and foremost that you are not formed, that you are essence, that you are space unlimited, and beyond that which is called time. I see it all, with the grace and the help of Lord Shiva, at his feet I Am always. For I would never leave this place and yet I can be with you, each one of you, at all times, and at any time. I am the shyness of the virgin, yet I am the boldness of the steer, I am Ganesha Ganapathi, as you have called me and as you have called me, I am here. To do your bidding, to do the bidding of My Lord, and they are one. For you are He and He is you and altogether We are that. OM Shiva OM OM OM OM OM OM OM.
Here I come charging as an elephant out of the forest, always with good cause, always coming because you have called me, always I answer the call. I am Ganesha, I am yours and you are mine, deep is the mystery therein, and yet I solve it in a phrase. With but few words and they are these, I LOVE YOU and YOU LOVE ME.
Lo, I have spoken. Lo, I have thought. Lo, I have organized. Lo, I am coming to bring order out of chaos and chaotic thinkings and I am He who says take up the broom and sweep the temple clean for lo, it is not just, that you invite Gods to partake of your meals and have in these places unclean things. Sweep all clean, and let your joy be great, that you are entertaining Gods and Goddesses whenever you would wish.
What greater boon can I grant you, then that? I am Ganesha, the grantor of boons, but only I grant them when what you have promised has been delivered. See then to your promises, see to the list, that it is not too long, of promises unkept. All these are shackles around your feet, slowing down your progress, because of course, it is energy, it is unresolved and not yet freed.
All things accelerate as you dance with Me and as you dance with Shiva, My Father. I am He who built the Taj Mahal. Not He who ordered it built but He who built it through many hands, feet, and hearts. It stands as a monument to love, for love should always be pronounced and whenever possible, expressed lovingly, sweetly, discreetly, generously, respectfully, and sincerely. So let these Chronicles then grow and expand as My thoughts become easy to read and your thoughts ever were. SO BE IT OM NAMAH SHIVAYA OM OM OM OM OM OM.”