The Great White Brotherhood Slideshow
by Arthur Hakalani Pacheco

This presentation is about the efforts of the Great White Brotherhood from the beginning of time up to the present hour, to keep us encouraged, and inspired and to assure us that we are not alone. The color White in Their name refers to the Brilliant White Light of God. They remind us that this outer world of appearances and material values, especially in the western hemisphere, is just a prop, a challenge, something to keep us on our toes reminding us who we really are and the divinity that lies within each one of us. 

It is for that purpose that it was suggested that I should share it with you all. I am very, very grateful for each one of these great beings who shed their Darshan, their blessings, as we watch their images parade across the screen.

There are many Gods and Goddesses for different purposes and the Great White Brotherhood sponsors them all. I invite you to investigate these topics, if you’d like, we have a list of recommended books and where to find some of them online. 

NOTE: There are two changes in the slideshow (above) in which Lord Ganesha and Kuan Yin are described as statues and in this video they are paintings. When this slideshow was presented, Sathya Sai Baba was still in the body. He transitioned to the world of spirit in 2011.

Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of wealth and abundance. She is the counter part of Lady Fortuna and Lady Luck in the West. She is the Consort, or the Feminine side, of the Lord Vishnu, the Preserver of the Universe and the Guardian of Mankind.
Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva is known as the Lord of Yogis and is one of the three main God’s in many of the Hindu sects. There is Brahma, the Creator, who creates new things that need to come into being, to fulfill the laws of evolution. There is Lord Vishnu the Preserver. He preserves what needs preserving until it fulfills its purpose. And Lord Shiva who is known as the Destroyer. He stamps out that which has fulfilled its purpose.

Lord Krishna

Lord Krishna is a magnificent being, some have called him an Avatar, meaning one who does not need to be on earth for their own purposes. An Avatar stays on earth to assist humanity. Lord Krishna is a God of love and compassion. He was incarnated India around 5000 BC.
Lord Krishna
Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda​

Paramahansa Yogananda brought Hinduism to the West where he founded the Self-Realization Fellowship. He wrote a fascinating account of his life growing up in India and coming to America, called  “Autobiography of a Yogi.” There is also a very good documentary film about his life called “Awake.”

Swami Sri Yukteswar

Swami Sri Yukteswar was Yogananda’s Guru. He was a powerful yogi, a great astrologer, and a scholar of Hindu and Christian lore.
Swami Sri Yukteswar
Lahiri Mahasaya

Lahiri Mahasaya 

Lahiri Mahasaya was Sri Yukteswar’s Guru. Lahiri Mahasaya was at times found levitating in a bright halo of light, floating three or four feet above the floor.

Mahavatar Babaji

Mahavatar Babaji was Lahiri Mahasaya’s Guru. He is another of those beings known as an Avatar who stays in a body to continue to help humanity. It is said that he lives high in the Himalayan Mountains with a small group of his disciples. In his book “Autobiography of a Yogi” Yogananda tells amazing stories of Lahiri Mayasaya’s encounters with Babaji. You can see Yogananda’s beautiful lineage of gurus and disciples.
Mahavatar Babaji
Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha

In Hinduism, Lord Ganesha is the Lord of removing obstacles from one’s path. He is depicted as part elephant and part human. One of the reasons for depicting himself as part elephant is because in India elephants are sometimes used to move heavy objects, as in removing obstacles from one’s path.


Muktananda was known as Baba Muktananda, a wondrous being of Self Realization, who also brought Hinduism to the West. He founded Siddha Yoga in the 1970’s. Siddha Yoga continues today with the leadership of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda.
Sathya Sai Baba

Sathya Sai Baba

Sathya Sai Baba was a phenomenal being from India. Some called him an Avatar and Incarnation Divine. He was omniscient, meaning that if you were to approach him, he would know everything about you. He was a living miracle, with the wave of his hand he would draw out of the ethers whatever he wanted to materialize. He was a living example of a person being completely immersed in his God Consciousness.

Ammachi or Amma

Ammachi or Amma is a sweet being, an incarnation of love, from India. She has healed many people of serious illnesses, just through her touch. She shares her Darshan, her Divine Blessing, by hugging people. She has hugged millions of people worldwide, bringing heartfelt experiences to many who have never had such an exposer.
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Helena Petrovna Blavatsky​

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky​

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was a mystic born in Russia. She was trained in Tibet by two enlightened beings, the Master El Morya and the Master Kuthumi, who at that time, were still in their physical bodies, and not yet ascended. She founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. She also authored many enlightening books, which are to this day, ahead of their time. 

Master Kuthumi

Master Kuthumi is an Ascended Master who works very closely with the Master Jesus. He is associated with the Second Ray, the Yellow Ray of illumination and wisdom. He was Saint Francis of Assisi in one of his incarnations and in another, he was the Emperor Shah Jahan who built the Taj Mahal in memory of his beloved wife.
Master Kuthumi
El Morya

Master El Morya

Master El Morya is an Ascended Master, and Lord/Chohan of the First Ray, the Blue Ray of God’s will, courage, dependability and faith. In one of his many embodiments, he was King Arthur at Camelot. He also worked with Helena Blavatsky to establish the Theosophical Society in 1875.

Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara is an incredibly beautiful, vast being from the planet Venus, our sister planet. He came to earth millions of years ago to assist humanity by holding a certain energy force of Light, so that we could continue incarnating and evolving here.
Lord Buddha

Lord Gautama Buddha

Lord Gautama Buddha was born into an aristocratic family as a Hindu Brahman in India. He left his home and renounced his previous life choosing another path to share his enlightenment. The Lord Buddha, the Great Lord of the World, took over the position of holding the Light for the Earth from Sanat Kumara who had held that position for over four and a half million years.

Lord Maitreya

Lord Maitreya known to the Christians as the Christ and to the Orient as the Bodhisattva. He appeared in India as Sri Krishna and in Palestine as Christ. He holds the office of the World Teacher and is known as the coming Buddha. He was the Guru and personal teacher of the Master Jesus. He presides over the destiny of the great religions.
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Lord Maitreya
Master Jesus

Master Lord Jesus

Master Lord Jesus is an Ascended Master associated with the Sixth Ray, the Ruby/Gold Ray of love, peace, devotion, and service. He prefers to be called the “Elder Brother” wanting us to feel closer to him, to be always within our reach. His teachings are: faith, love, compassion, and forgiveness. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

It was part of his mission to be subject to every human weakness, for the obvious purpose of showing us that if he could overcome it, so can we. He had achieved the level of complete Christhood, when he said, I and My Father are one. The Master Jesus also visited Egypt, India and Persia in his travels abroad between the ages of 13 and 30.

“Jesus Christ is very much alive and active today. In Spirit and oc­casionally taking on a flesh-and-blood form, he is working unseen by the masses for the regeneration of the world. With his all-embracing love, Jesus is not content merely to enjoy his blissful consciousness in Heav­en. He is deeply concerned for mankind and wishes to give his fol­lowers the means to attain the divine freedom of entry into God’s Infinite King­dom. He is disappointed because many are the churches and temples founded in his name, often prosperous and powerful, but where is the com­munion that he stressed, the actual contact with God? Jesus wants temples to be es­tablished in human souls, first and foremost; then established outward­ly in physical places of worship. Instead, there are countless huge edifices with vast congregations being indoctrinated in church­ianity, but few souls who are really in touch with Christ through deep prayer and meditation.” (from “The Second Coming of Christ” by Paramahansa Yogananda)

Lord Maha Chohan 

Lord Maha Chohan means “Great Lord,” He is the Great Lord of the Seven Chohans/Lords of each of the color rays. He is the Representative of the Holy Spirit of the Father-Mother God, to the evolutions of this planet and to the elemental kingdom. He is called the Keeper of the Flame, pledging to remain constantly present for humanity.
Maha Chohan
Lord Hilarion

Lord Hilarion

Lord Hilarion is an Ascended Master, Chohan/Lord of the Fifth Ray, the Green Ray of healing, knowledge and truth.

During the life of Master Jesus he was Saul of Tarsus. He was converted when the Master Jesus appeared to him in a blast of white light. He then later became the Great Apostle Paul. Lord Hilarion instructs us on the relationship between science and religion, both of which are aspects of the Green Ray of Truth.

Lady Master Mary

Lady Master Mary is from the level of the Arch Angels. She received special training for her role as the Mother of the Master Jesus. At the end of that life, she took her Ascension, completely uniting with her Divine Self, giving her the freedom to materialize in many places. She has been one of the most active Masters of the Great White Brotherhood showing herself in many places worldwide. She is the forerunner of the rise of the Feminine Ray, representing the Feminine Side of Divinity.  The Divine Mother and Mother Mary draw closer for Mother’s Day, Sending Love, Healing, and Blessings to all Mothers and Women.
Lady Master Mary

Traditional prayer to Mother Mary

Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee.
Blessed art Thou among women and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us, sons and daughters of God.
Now and at the hour of our victory over sin, disease, and death.


Virgin of Guadalupe

The Virgin of Guadalupe

Lady Master Mary appeared in this form to an Indian man named Juan Diego in Mexico in 1531. She miraculously produced fresh roses for him in the middle of winter. It is a very beautiful and inspiring story. 

She is and will remain very close to humanity to answer all our prayers. She is available to everyone. You may pray to her for whatever you need, for yourself and others, health, comfort, especially for the elderly, women, and children. Also, if you are looking for a new home, you may pray to her to help you find it.

Master Serapis Bey

Master Serapis Bey is an Ascended Master, Chohan/Lord of the Fourth Ray, the White Ray of Ascension, purity and discipline. He is closely connected with the Egyptian Brotherhood, a mystical order of masters, adepts, and initiates who have worked behind the scenes for centuries to assist in humanities evolution. It is one of the many Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods that honey comb this planet. Every country has its higher-ups and its spiritual giants who oversee the growth of that country and often interact with the people there. He maintains an etheric temple at Luxor, Egypt where he teaches the virtues of purity and discipline, the main qualities of the White Ray.
Master Paul the Venetian

Master Paul the Venetian

Master Paul the Venetian is an Ascended Master, Chohan/Lord of the Third Ray, the Pink Ray of beauty, love and art. He is the inspiration for artists the planet over. If you are an artist or an inspiring one, he is the master to pray to. In his last incarnation before he ascended, he was an Italian artist named Paolo Veronese in the 1500s.You can see his paintings in museums today.
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Master Saint Germain

Master Saint Germain is an Ascended Master, Chohan/Lord of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Ray of soul freedom, mercy, transmutation, and ritual. He is the Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, into which we are now entering. He is the sponsor of the United States of America. He will work closely with humanity for the next two thousand years. Just as the Master Jesus has been with us for the last two thousand.

In one of his incarnations, he was the famous magician known as Merlin, during the time of King Arthur. The Master Saint Germain was also Joseph, the father of the Master Jesus. He was also once known as the “Wonderman” of Europe, the Comte de Saint Germain. He was working to unite the Crown Heads of Europe. He had warned Marie Antoinette about the upcoming French Revolution but she wouldn’t listen. They were too pompous and proud to heed his warnings.

He then turned his attention to the struggling colonists on the other side of the world, what was to become the United States of America. He also inspired the waltzes of Strauss. The waltz itself is Saint Germain’s vibration set to music. In the early 1930’s he appeared to Guy Ballard as he hiked Mt Shasta in California. He later changed his name to Godfre Ray King, and started the “I Am” Activity, which is sponsored by Saint Germain. The “I Am” Activity is an enlightening course of spiritual teachings that stay with us today.
Saint Germain
I AM Presence

The Magic Presence

The Magic Presence is found within each of us. It is called the “Magic I AM Presence”. In this picture, the “I AM” is depicted by the higher figure above. The Christ self is in the middle, and the conscious personality, or lower self, is at the bottom. We are all three levels put together: the I AM, the Christ self, and the conscious personality. In the universe, there is a very mysterious substance, where the color violet and the element of fire come together to create ‘Violet Fire.’ This has the unique property of transmuting negative energy, thoughts, and feelings into positive energy. Surrounding yourself daily with the Violet Flame can accelerate your spiritual development. The two words ‘I AM’ when used together are known to cause a large release of creative energy. One of the Masters of Wisdom took the time to explain this principle of energy mechanics, adding that this is the main reason why anything said after these two words receives a great inflow of creative energy. This is one reason why affirmations beginning with these two words have more power than when one does not use them. Thus, it is also a good idea to avoid saying anything negative or limiting when using this phrase, such as words like “dumb, stupid, always late, poverty-stricken, or any other such words”. To do so is like shooting oneself in the foot; it is very counterproductive, to say the least.

Violet Flame Angels

You can invoke the presence of the beautiful Violet Flame Angels for any situation to clear energies and bring wanted changes.
Violet Flame Angels
Great Divine Director

The Great Divine Director

The Great Divine Director is a cosmic being. The Guru/teacher of Saint Germain and many of the other Masters including El Morya and Jesus. He holds all of our divine plans in his mind. He is one of the seven Great Lords of Karma, representing the White Ray of God’s will.

Arch Angel Michael

Arch Angel Michael is a very real being that everyone can pray to for protection. Here is a short prayer that is easy to memorize and say for any situation that you would like protection. You can also pray for protection for others.

Lord Michael Before
Lord Michael Behind
Lord Michael to the Right
Lord Michael to the Left
Lord Michael Above
Lord Michael Below
Lord Michael, Lord Michael where ever I go.
 I Am his love protecting here!
(Repeat 3 times)

Archangel Michael
kuan yin

Kuan Yin

Kuan Yin is known as the Goddess of compassion, mercy and forgiveness. She is a Bodhisattva, one who renounces their own Nirvana to stay and help mankind. She represents The Violet Ray and is one of the seven Great Lords of Karma. 

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Lady Master Pearl

Lady Master Pearl is an Ascended Master, she is associated with Violet Ray and the Master Saint Germain.

Lady Pearl

The Wesak Festival

Wesak Festival

The Wesak Festival occurs every year during the full moon when the sun is in the astrological sign of Taurus. It usually occurs in the month of May but can also occur in late April. This is a time when the Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, depicted by the white-robed beings, meet in a valley in Tibet. The Great Lord of the World, Lord Gautama Buddha, manifests and releases a great charge of energy, which the Masters, in turn, release to us. It gives a great wave of power that causes us all to reach higher levels of our own evolution.

We can be part of this great releasing of energy and love to humanity. It is suggested that we meditate at the time of the full moon and envision our fondest dreams and desires for our own lives and for that of humanity.

*May 12th, 2025 is the Wesak Festival full moon.

“Since the Great Lord Buddha did take His High Office,
He has chosen the full moon, generally concurring with the English May, to come forth in what is known as The Great Festival of Wesak. In Buddhist Law, it has been known that there is to yet come another Buddha, the coming Buddha, the Lord Maitreya. This occurs, my dears, this occurs. It occurs yearly, as these things grow closer and closer unto us all. That Christ full moon having only recently occurred, we now look toward the Grand Festival of Wesak, when initiates, aspirants, and the many probationers all are free to attend this grand thing, whether in the body or no, and experience that wondrous moment when at the point of the full moon, the Great Lord Buddha becomes yet greater, and you might say, unto Himself gives a Great Initiation. He allows Himself to come one step closer to that Nirvana that He hath relinquished in the role of the Bodhisattva. He allows Himself one step more of bliss, and that wondrous bliss pours off of Him, and the run-off blesses us all.”

– Sir Arthur Conan Doyle