Some years back, as I intend to share in this article, I became aware of the importance of watching our foods, at least as pertains to what the acidic vs. alkaline balance was in each case. That sprang from lots of research I had done over the years, on a recurring theme that kept coming up over and over again, having to do with how the alkaline balance in our blood is very important, and something to be watched as we went along in life. So, that started my interest in this very pertinent study. And then, not too long ago, as we were considering what type of information to share with you all in this edition of our newsletter, our dear friend ACD joined us and suggested that in this edition, we devote at least some space to this topic. So, that set our sails, and the following is what we have chosen to share with y’all this time. I hope you find it both interesting and informative too.

Many years ago, when first discovering the work of Edgar Cayce, an amazing man, I took a special interest in his ability to diagnose medical conditions in the bodies of those he was observing clairvoyantly. And usually, this would take place at a distance from the spot where he himself was lying entranced. For those of you not familiar with his work, I can only say that you probably owe it to yourself to investigate this as much as you want to. His story is fascinating and goes a long way towards providing that evidence that this material world that what we see is not all there is to see. For this reason, he’s often been nicknamed “the sleeping prophet.”

Edgar Cayce was born in Kentucky in the year 1877. He lived a rather uneventful life until he became aware of his unusual psychic abilities, which he discovered “by accident” while sleeping on one of his school books that he had great problems understanding until this time. He later learned many new things about life and us all, through his method of attuning to his own higher mind, and that of others, when in a deep trance.

He discovered his ability to do this when a young man was afflicted with a case of laryngitis, which prevented him from speaking very much at all. So on a friend’s suggestion, he decided to try hypnosis as a way of diagnosing his own illness, and it was successful, allowing him to correctly diagnose his own condition. Later, he would use this same ability to help thousands of other souls, through the years of his remaining life as a channel for God.

In any case, I was fascinated with this aspect of his work, and it led me to read all I could on the subject. Well, one thing I noticed from the first was that in many of his health readings given for others, he would often make mention of the body being observed being in an overly acidic condition.  At the time, this didn’t mean too much to me, except that it would be noted that in almost all of these cases, at least part of the remedy suggested contained ways to bring the body into a more alkaline state, rather than an acidic one.

As I said, this seemed to me to be a bit repetitive, until years later, when I would run across this same suggestion in my own ongoing search for the keys to better health for us all. What I learned was that over the last few decades, we as a race, have apparently gotten ourselves into a state where too much of the food we eat, and the drinks we consume, tend to have more acidic effects upon our bodies, and this is largely what can and does produce conditions of disease of varying types and natures. So again, I invite you to research this for yourselves and find out what there may be to it, to your own better health.

So, when discovering this truth again, after all those years from before, it wasn’t lost upon me that I had first heard of this when looking into the work of  Edgar Cayce. Hadn’t he mentioned this very thing as a cause for many diseases? Yes, he had. In fact, I recalled how many he had cited this as a cause for the negative conditions in the bodies he was examining from afar. What to do about this? Well, as any good researcher knows, there’s always “more where that came from”, so I continued in my quest to understand diseases, and time and again would surface this truth about the balance in the body between the acidic and the alkaline.

This was only emphasized years later when I first heard Tony Robbins and a man named Dr. Young, also discussing this truth, and being very earnest about alerting all those in the audience about this basic condition of one’s health or the lack of it. For those of you not familiar with Tony Robbins, he is one of the most convincing and motivational speakers I’ve ever heard speak and teach. He has a worldwide following, and always seems to be on the cutting edge of whatever are the newest breath-throughs in any field. He also has mastered the art of N.L.P., neuro-linguistic programming, which is a science of the human body and mind that seems to be able to show various feats that most of us can accomplish, once we know how to work our own minds and emotions to do this. One of the things he has demonstrated is the art of fire-walking. And to explain this, I must go into the fact that there are many different cultures, mostly in the Orient, who know about this human ability to be able to transcend some of the usual limitations we seem to have on our physical bodies, such as the ability to walk across a bed of hot coals and not get burned, either on your feet or any other part of your body. 

I had heard about this ability and practice in my years of metaphysical research and disciplines, yet never thought I would ever experience it, at least not firsthand, but possibly only by observing others do it. Well, that all changed one evening, when I had accepted a friend’s invitation to attend what was described to me as Tony Robbin’s Fire Walk, and I went to see it happen. 

When we first arrived there, we found lots of people there already, all eagerly anticipating what would occur that evening, and how well they would handle it. So I was very interested to watch Tony’s assistants preparing a huge bed of wood logs to be burned down into the fire that we all would be crossing.

I’ll admit, that I did have a few moments of fear at the prospect of doing this myself, which I knew was the point in being there at all. I looked at my friend, a very well respected real estate broker, who happened to be one of my longtime clients, and with whom I had shared some very nice times. He may have been hiding it, as I was, but he showed no fear at all, not that I could detect anyway. 

So, we all entered the large tent that was set up for us to go into, and before too long, all of us, about 300 in all, we’re all seated inside, awaiting our guide for the night, Mr. Tony Robbins himself. He is a very dynamic speaker, and that night, he seemed to be in top form, moving from one end of the stage to the other frequently and showing us about that N.L.P. Science he was the master of. He asked us to think about a time in our lives when we had felt just wonderful, really on top of the world, and once that was done, he would make a particular gesture, such as a fist held clenched, or another one he used was his hands held high in the air as if expecting to receive something from heaven or something.

He kept doing things like this, and I kept watching him very closely to be able to detect anything he might be doing that wasn’t obvious physically.

All I could observe was his aura, which did seem to swell up every time he would ask us to think of something really wonderful that we’d gone through. So then it was time to go out and do what we were there to do. We all exited that tent and came to where the logs had now burned down into several large piles, in each long hole that they were all in, now burned down to embers. So we all sat there watching this spectacle, and before long, he asked us to form into three lines, and he would look at us each very carefully, right before he’d say Walk.

As you might imagine, I went through several different changes of mind before my turn came to walk across those coals. He looked at my eyes closed, and then said with a smile, Walk. So I walked. And as I was crossing that pit full of coals, I could feel the warmth that rose up from that firepit but never felt any pain, nor any sensation of being burned. I have often wondered what I would have done, had I felt anything like that, but it’s a moot point now. At the other end, where two or more of his assistants with a hose to wash off any coals that might have clung to our feet. But none did, and before too long, I found myself wishing that I could go again, almost to be able to prove to myself that I had actually done it. But that wasn’t allowed, although several other people also felt that way, and asked to go again, but were denied. Thus was my experience with fire-walking, given just as it happened. At the end of the night, there were over 300 of us in there who had walked over hot coals, the youngest being only 8 years old, and the eldest, 78.

Now, I realize that I’ve gone off the path a bit, in that I began writing about the acidic vs. alkaline states of the body, but I’m coming back to that. So my experience with Tony Robbins had proven satisfactory, and from then onward, I was able to observe him during various other seminars he did, and I got to watch from the safety and comfort of my own home, in other words, I saw him on video mostly. 

The foregoing story was mostly related to establishing his validity in my own mind when I found out that he was by then, years later now, doing seminars involving this discovery of his that alkalinity in the body was the way to perfect health, and that acidity was the symptom of illness, no matter in what form this might be found. By then, he had aligned himself with another man by the name of Dr.Young, and their whole presentation had to do with this health fact about how alkalinity was the way to go when it came to good health vs. a disease-prone body. Dr. Young actually had a camera there through which you could observe your live blood sample as it was treated with some things that rendered it more alkaline than it was already. 

Since that time, I’ve had the opportunity to do lots of research on this very important subject myself, and have found, after lots of self-experimentation, that indeed a more alkaline body is resistant to disease much more than an acidic one is.  So this is the main message of this article.  To alert those of you who may not have ever heard about this, that it is true, and subject to your proof whenever you choose to try to prove it for yourself. 

Now, of course, this then raises the logical question, how do I get more alkaline in my body, or what do I have to do to achieve this desired aim?  The answer lies in what we eat, or take into our bodies, and to add certain foods that we may like, but only eat occasionally now. There are also certain substances, like a baking powder for one, that will naturally change the level of our PH in a more balanced alkaline direction, and away from the acidic.  This habit of taking baking powder at times has been a real godsend, as it is both easy and very effective in dealing with things like heartburn. Now, if ever I feel any kind of heartburn, or what goes by that name, I straight away, go for the baking powder container and serve myself half a teaspoon in some liquid, and down the hatch, it goes. Before too long, all discomfort is gone. Interestingly enough, right on the box of Arm and Hammer baking powder, you’ll find some directions for this when taken to relieve heartburn. Perhaps this remedy has been forgotten over time, and yet, it still works really well.

In the hopes that this newsletter can remain true to one of its stated goals, to spread helpful information that can help us all to live more healthy lives, this is sent out to you all. May it inspire you to at least look into this direction, and see how by making only a few changes to your present dietary habits, you can be adding some very helpful new additions that will help you to live a healthier life with very little added trouble to accomplish it. Peace! 


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