If you would like to delve deeper into spiritual topics we have a list of books that we highly recommend. 

Some of the books were written in the early 1900s and you may notice some outdated views about society, although we feel the spiritual and occult information in them is correct.

We have managed to get a few of the books in pdf format. If you’d like us to send you a copy or need help finding any of the other books please email us anytime and we’d be glad to assist you.

Autobiography of a Yogi
by Paramahansa Yogananda

Brother of the Third Degree
by Will L. Garver

Change We Must: My Spiritual Journey
by Nana Very

Fifty Years a Medium
by Estelle Roberts
(we offer a pdf version)

Isis Unveiled
by Helena Blavatsky

Lemurian Scrolls: Angelic Prophecies
by Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

Revealing Human Origins
by Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

The Secret Doctrine
by Helena Blavatsky 

The Count of Saint Germain
by Isabel Cooper Oakley
(we offer a pdf version)

The Coming Great Golden Age of Esotericism 
by Edward T Whitney

The Holy Science 
by Swami Sri Yukteswar

The Way of All Women 
by Mary Esther Harding

Through The Eyes of The Masters 
by David Anrias

Unveiled Mysteries
by Godfre’ Ray King

The Magic Presence
by Godfre’ Ray King

I Am Discourses
by Godfre’ Ray King

Wisdom of the Mystic Masters
by Joseph Weed

The Count de Saint-Germain and H.P.B. Two Messengers of the White Lodge
by H.S. Olcott
(we offer a pdf version)

Titles by William Dudley Pelley

The Golden Scripts 
(we offer a pdf version)

Soulcraft Scripts
(12 Volumes)

Getting Born

As Thou Lovest

Adam Awakes

Seven Minutes in Eternity

Titles by C W Leadbeater

Astral Plane



Hidden Side of Things

Invisible Helpers

Life After Death

Man Visible and Invisible

Masters and the Path

Thought Forms

Titles by Annie Besant

Ancient Wisdom


Gurus and Chelas





Psychic and Spiritual Development



Thought Power