Transcript of her address:

There is no greater joy therein as serving the Beloved. Think on it my dear, dear friends. I tell you it has been the most solid truth that I’ve found to date since entering into these magnificent realms of spiritual life. I tell you that when one grows and accelerates one seeks constantly to please the Beloved. The question of course arises, Who is the Beloved? And I tell you the truly Beloved is the One who most loves you. Yes! Generally, you will find the Beloved ministering unto you, loving you completely.

Oh, my dear friends, it is with great, great joy that I present myself here this day working as best as we can, for I tell you that a squeaky instrument is better than none at all, and that much I hold to be true.

 My dear friends, the question that arises this day is, “How is it that woman, man’s, should we say, inner self, can be subject to so much that is tormenting her soul? Why should it be? If she, the reflection of your Sweet Celestial Mother, Herself. . . I speak of every woman. . . if she is what she is, the reflection of sweetness, the reminder of love, how is it and why is it that she should be so tortured and beaten down?”  It must end my dears. It shall end and I am here to help in that ending, and hopefully to bring about the beginning of something far more lovely than what we have been experiencing.

It comes then to us all, that we must understand this creature called a woman and understand her we shall. For we must, you see. We are at that point where there will be no further growth, not really, not spiritually, of any great advantage or impact if we do not understand woman. We can’t sweep her under the carpet any longer.

We, all of us, men and women, of course, must understand the woman within us all. And for those men who say, “Oh, but I’m a man, how can I understand the woman within?” Well, that becomes your quandary, that becomes your quest dear brother. If you can’t see that she’s there, well, I should think it’s time to turn about, for I tell you that it shall be salvation unto each soul through the window called woman. And that goes, of course, for our beloved brothers, as well. So let us roll our sleeves up and begin, shall we?

I am here as a representative of Beings far, far greater, and more lovely than myself, and as such am privileged to ask the questions They are asking. Not that They don’t know the answers, believe me. But rather than they must, shall we say, catalyze the process of asking these things worldwide. The whole world must ask these questions and the whole world must have the answers. And so we begin.

Why is it, that woman seems to put her man at the center of her universe so very often? In so asking, I imply no criticism, none. How could I? It would be like, what do they say in your world, shooting myself in the foot. I’ll not do it. But I would like to know why so very many ladies seem to think that the sun rises and sets upon her man, and her whole life is all about him? Again dear ones, I say not that this is wrong, nor right. I but pose the question. It begs an answer.

Why is it that woman is so willing to suffer at the hands of an insensitive man or an insensitive family for far too long? What is it in her psychology that makes her so willing to endure? Is this a good thing? Obviously, it’s got a purpose. The question of course is, “What is that purpose? And, where does it begin? And, where does it end? And, wherein lies the Divine Purpose behind that?” We must have these answers dear ones.

Why is it that woman is so easily swayed by her man’s, shall we say, intimidation tactics? As opposed to backing up a bit and saying, “Wait, what you are doing to me is quite unjust. And furthermore, it would not seem to come from one that loves me.” Why is it she so rarely does this thing? And on the contrary is cowed, bowing her head and doing what the tyrant wants her to do. Change all of it must be and I say that the change must begin now.

My dear friends, we must all understand the psychology, the feminine psychology, ere we can move one step further on the path of enlightenment. You who are women in this incarnation most assuredly must come to know the answers to these questions else, well, I’m afraid a whole life shall be lived in shadow.

Sweethearts, oh, and I do love that word Kuuipo by the way, that lovely Hawaiian word sweetheart, each one of you must come to see the importance, the utter importance of understanding the feminine psychology, for in seeing this we shall see the condition of all humanity. Can’t you see it?

In other words, all of humanity will rise no further, nor can it, from that level where woman rises. And so you see in some ways she becomes the weak link in the chain. But why should she be, and why is she? And who has made her like that? And how can we undo it that she becomes the strong one instead?

Come to know, dear ones, that, that thing called sex, the wonder that so many holds in such high regard, is also the very thing that is as a binding force to so many. Why should it be? May we analyze it? At the risk of sounding a bit oh, flippant, I might add that in my time I knew what good sex was and I’ll tell you as I know it. Good sex, my dears, is sex without the guilt of any kind. Oh, you want good sex you say, then I say seek out the guiltless variety and you shall have it in spades. Yes, my dears. And so that sex that, shall we say, seems good, you know the type that seems to overwhelm you, “What a man,” they say, “what a stud,” I believe is the word. Well, if in that union she is harmed in any way, or he is for that matter, or anyone is, it can’t be good sex, not really.

Touchy subject, I understand. Touchy indeed! But I tell you, my dears, oh, approximately 82% I should estimate of most of you listening, and those even who shall hear this message, have programmed the sexual experience into your lives that you might learn of it, that you might know its wonders, that you might finally come to see how lovely it can really be. And there it is, my dears, you want good sex then you must seek out that bed that holds no guilt and no shame. And then as I say, my dears, you shall have it and enjoy it to the full.  I did.

Some of you might know that I chose to incarnate in the Taurus period of Astrological influence. And well, I suppose it’s one of the most sensual signs of all. Some are saying, “Is Estelle going off in an odd direction?” Not at all my dears. I dare say it is most critical and central to the issue at hand, for I tell you that it is a point of record and observation from our point of view, that it is this very thing that seems to ensnare and bond so many women to men who don’t seem to be worthy of their graces.

Why should she accommodate this one? And we find again and again that when she’s, shall we say, a bit mesmerized by the sex she says, “Oh, other things don’t go well, but oh my the sex.” I tell you, my dears, here again, she’s but delving into yet another blind spot. First, she thinks it’s good sex, but of course, she is being damaged in the process. How can it be, by my definition? And if you look deeply one day it shall become yours, I dare say.

And of course, we find that she’s but making Associations. That’s it. You see, Association is a most dangerous thing. I shall explain it. She is associating certain sensations, certain emotional states, and not to mention the physical side of it all, that she is experiencing with certain inner processes within her psyche, within herself, that are quite cosmic of course, having to do a course with the Kundalini energy and her own enlightenment. In other words, for at least 70% of you, you must have some sexual experiences to, shall we say, round out your characters. It isn’t true of all, you understand. I’m not pontificating.

But again, to continue, and so, you see, this man who comes and perhaps is a bit agile, perhaps a bit skilled, and some might say, in some form of the lovemaking process, perhaps he is a sex technician, you know, we see some of these about, but that is it! He gives no heart, he gives no love, he gives no soul, really. On the contrary, he is giving little and taking all. He is a taker, my dears. And yet, why is it she will swoon afterward and do whatever he wills with dreamy eyes? “Oh, I so love him,” she says.

I tell you, she is associating the experience itself, and him who seems to be the partner, and she sees it as the generator with certain inner states that are doing her good. But it’s not being done properly, which is why I return to my original point that good sex, we think, is guilt-free. Guilt-free, in the sense, that no one is being harmed, and certainly not her. So let this be a bit of a criterion for you, dears. Seek guilt-free sex and you shall have the best of all. Give it a bit of thought. You’ll see that I am right.

To continue, each and every one of us must understand the feminine psychology more profoundly, as to why she is, what she is, to gain knowledge, contact, and access to the Divine Mother, which is the rising force on this planet. In other words, if you’re going to go where the planet is going, well, you’ve got to follow the leader of the parade, don’t you? And I tell you, She is a She!

Oh, my dear brothers, take no offense at this now. You are not suddenly reduced to second-class citizens, as some of you have done to women. Instead, you are invited to join the parade and to walk right upfront, proud, that as a man you’ve got all the love of your woman. You can equal it, and give it back to her. Now that’s a man for you. As to bravado, as to the so-called machismo, as to sexual prowess, these things, well, one finds in the animal kingdom, really.

What makes a man? I say a soul that is reminiscent of the Great Light of the Father, and He is the Greatest Giver of All. So dear, dear brothers give, give, give, give your love not only your sex and you’ll find yourselves as the leaders of men, and women. But again there will be no guilt involved, will there? It will be done righteously.

Why is it that women insist upon trying to outdo one another? What is this one-upmanship that’s been somehow sewn into the very fabric of her clothing? I detest it. Sweet sisters, it will take your effort, daily, to correct all of this. Oh, some say in protest, but we were not the ones who did it, why should we have to be the ones that correct it? I should not be so quick to disavow your responsibilities. You’ve taken them on, haven’t you? There’s a reason for it.

Dear ones, come to know this as well, that women must come to see other women as sacred creatures, sweet in the extreme and collectively the Savioress of the human race. This is my holding, this is my truth and certainly not mine alone, but the truth of Those that send me.  Dear women, rise up my dears, refuse to see another woman as an enemy and you shall be aiding ever so much in this wondrous, wondrous campaign of love. We must correct it.

(It is here that Estelle notices many grand and gracious women, who now reside in the spirit world, that have gathered to hear her message, including our own female relatives.) 

I am honored, as I notice what has not yet occurred, that is to say, I see the ranks of beautiful, beautiful women, many of them Hawaiian women who have graciously honored me with their lovely, lovely presence. They are here with us all, as we are together. The lovely Mother Teresa is here and joins us, and our sweet little Princess Diana is also here. The elegant Kawena Pukui graces us, as does her sweet and dear friend Iolani Luahine. We’ve got this lovely contingent of lovely Hawaiian souls, they are here, Edith Kanaka’ole as well. Nana Veary adds to the light, as does the luminous Emma DeFries. The lovely Ma’iki Aiu Lake, Pele Suganuma, and many join us, one after the other. Amongst these my dears, you’re own sweet relatives, your moms, your grandmoms, there be so very many. The list could go on and on and on. They all grace us with their presence.

She who was once Norma Jean, Marilyn Monroe, smiles demurely. There be so many here from all walks of life, so very many. Oh, I note your own lovely Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy. Oh look, two of those that raised their voices in song, interestingly enough, sitting next to each other, the great Maria Callas holding hands with Janis Joplin of all people. Now that’s a pair for you.

All these lovely ladies and I’ve but mentioned a fraction sit together. We are all as one family, and there be more and more as they file in, for though earth time is not available to cover this entire topic adequately, I tell you, my dears, it shall go on. We shall sit here and expand our knowledge of each other, for you see this is why they are all here, each one telepathically contributing her light, her knowledge, her experience. Each one has taken the time and trouble to investigate why she has done what she has done. Do you see? And so together we, collectively, are solving these problems. 

Why is it that women can fall in love with yet another woman regardless of the sexual aspects of the relationship, and not usually be mistreated the way she is, all too often, when she cohabitates with her man? It can’t be dear ones. Could it be that women must interact with each other a bit more? I think so. Let us solve our own conundrum and quandary. Let us keep our minds on these matters.

And dear ones, for those of you who sit there rather smugly and say, “Oh those things don’t apply to me really. I’m happily married. I’ve got no guilt. I enjoy sex and things are quite lovely. I tell you, dear, not as long as your sister is suffering, they are not lovely at all, or your version of lovely, I’m afraid is rather partial. The loveliest vision of all is when, all of us, together, understand these things.

And again you say, “But if I’ve figured them out, well at least to the point of living happily, what then can I do?” That’s more like it sister. You can seek out the ones that don’t understand it yet. If indeed you are that adept at joy and happiness then certainly you can teach and share your grace. But your job is not done till I cannot hear one woman crying on the planet! The Divine Mother Herself would have it so.

Oh, how I love you all and you brothers who are listening. Please don’t think for a second that we, women don’t love you, utterly. We seek simply to understand ourselves, and yourself, that we might love you yet more beautifully with no guilt and full bliss. That there be love indeed. That there be the real appearance of that love that we’ve all known, else we would not know what to seek at all.

A kiss to each one. Blessings on your heads. How very much we all love you, you have no idea. But contemplate that as well, if you will, for that indeed we leave you with and never is it removed. We extend our hands in spirit to you…….and look…..all the women (those gathered in spirit) are doing it. Won’t you take them?

Dear ones take an ally, someone you know who is in spirit, a sister, one that you admire, that you respect, that you love. Take her hand now, in your minds and in your hearts, and we’ve bridged the gap. There is no death, as I’ve said a thousand times, and only life and love prevail. Oh, how lovely is love? Understood, shared, multiplied, and then given to the youth so that they never ever have to pass through the nightmare we are ending.

God Bless you all! How I love you! How very much I do! I am your sweet reminder, if I might so say, that you are loved, so loved, so loved. Your Mother loves you dearly.


Feel free to leave a comment, ask a question, or request a new topic below.



  1. Why is it that “woman” is so easily swayed by her man’s, shall we say, intimidation tactics?

    “As opposed to backing up a bit and saying, “Wait, what you are doing to me is quite unjust. And furthermore, it would not seem to come from one that loves me.” Why is it she so rarely does this thing? On the contrary is cowed, bowing her head and doing what the tyrant wants her to do.”

    I asked Estelle to please give us some more insight as to why this is.

    Women have been programmed to be subservient to their men. To allow far too much, even to the point of being intimidated by him. The programming is to allow him to do whatever he wants because he knows best and she doesn’t. She hopes he will eventually treat her with the love and affection that she desires.

    If she does speak up and try to hold her ground, she’s usually called names like a bitch, or a woman out of control or she’s hormonally out of balance, and so on. She’s labeled with derogative attributes. So again she is quieted. She may also be punished when she speaks up. He may yell at her, strike her, or just ignore her.

    There are many levels of a woman being subservient to a man. She may be completely cowed by him or she may speak up some of the time.

    We must support women to speak up and not be cowed by men.

    Also, we understand that many many men do not treat women in this manner.
    Much love and blessings to them!

    We are continuing to talk about this so that we can help all men and women end this cycle of negative and unnatural behaviors toward each other.

    Have you ever been swayed by a man’s intimidation tactics?

  2. Why is it that “woman” is so willing to suffer at the hands of an insensitive man or an insensitive family for far too long?

    “What is it in her psychology that makes her so willing to endure? Is this a good thing? Obviously, it’s got a purpose. The question, of course, is, what is that purpose? And where does it begin and where does it end? And where in lies the Divine Purpose behind that? We must have these answers dear ones.”

    Estelle poses this question to us and this is her message when I asked her what could she say to help us begin to understand these behaviors.

    A woman’s nature is to love and care for others, with kindness and gentleness. Those attributes take great strength, endurance, and patience. They are attributes of the Divine Mother herself. Women are also able to see the bigger picture, the possibilities, the future in some cases. She thinks if she could hold on long enough maybe things will change.

    She can also see her man’s potential and the goodness in his heart. She can see his better self. She may even fall in love with his better self.
    If she could only hold on long enough, she could have it all. This is the attribute of a mother to see a child’s potential and nurture and watch it blossom. Having endless patience and tolerance.

    This again has been part of the programming she has received to not stand up for herself and to allow far too much. Her loving and enduring nature has been used against her placing it where it doesn’t belong.

    When we can see and understand where some of the behaviors are coming from and why, we can begin to unravel them and see the truth.

    Have you had an experience of suffering and not speaking up for too long?

  3. I asked Estelle if she would give me some insight as to why women try to outdo one another. This is what she said:

    This trait again is part of the programming to keep them from truly gaining ground. She is kept at odds with other women so they will not unite. The programming makes her think that another woman might take her man or her job or anything that she values in her life. Women are then on the offensive pitted against each other. Women must drop all of these actions against each other and come together in love and support. Women uniting in love and common ground and helping each other to advance in life.

    What are some of the things that women can do to stop trying to outdo one another?

  4. “Why is it, that woman seems to put her man at the center of her universe so very often?

    In so asking, I imply no criticism, none. How could I? It would be like, what do they say in your world, shooting myself in the foot. I’ll not do it. But I would like to know why so very many ladies seem to think that the sun rises and sets upon her man and her whole life is all about him. Again dear ones, I say not that this is wrong, nor right. I but pose the question. It begs an answer.”

    Estelle shared this message many years ago. Since then, this topic has been widely discussed and understood by many women. I was asked to bring this topic up again to help those women who are still struggling with this issue.

    This is the message that I received from Estelle when I asked her how she could help us understand why women would put their men at the center of their universe.

    It is in a woman’s nature to love wholeheartedly, giving themselves totally to the relationship. Then the relationship and the man become the priority in her life and little by little her own life, begins to take a backseat.

    What is it in a woman’s psychology that would allow her to put her life second to his?

    One reason is that she has seen this behavior from the female role models in her life. This behavior has been handed down for generations. It seems completely normal and expected.

    Where did this behavior start and why?

    The behavior of a woman to put her man as the center of her universe is a program that was put into her subconscious mind many thousands of years ago. It was during the time of a great civilization on the planet. There were great scientific, advancements and inventions at that time. The scientific advancements allowed the civilization to flourish. At one point they discovered that some of their inventions could also be used as weapons. The men experimented with those weapons and began to get greedy and power-hungry. They saw advantages they could gain by using the weapons to harm others.

    The women and men were completely equal in every way. They were equals in all areas of society including the scientific community as well.

    When the men began to use their technological advances as weapons, the women began to speak up. They were questioning the use of the weapons to harm people. They told the men just because you could do something doesn’t mean you should! The men did not want to hear this they did not want to be stopped.

    Then it began, the men made it their mission to change the power structure and reduce women to being subservient.
    To make them believe that the men knew what was best.

    The most detrimental and false part of the programming was that a woman could not even survive without a man. There would be no life for her and she would most likely die.

    It didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen. As we look back through history, the subservient role of women has taken hold across the globe for as long as we have historical records. The patriarchal control of most of the world is very evident today.

    Women’s subconscious programming is so deep that they can hardly see that it isn’t the correct way to be. This harms not only them but all of humanity. Women need to be equal to men in all areas of life to create the balance that humanity needs to survive.

    And again it’s not wrong or right to put your man at the center of your universe as long as you maintain a strong sense of yourself in the process.

    As we discuss these topics the goal is to help create more beautiful, long-lasting, healthy relationships.

    Do you have any experience with this issue? Have you put your man at the center of your universe and then decided it wasn’t working for you? What are some things women can do to create a balanced relationship?

  5. “Why is it that women often treat their men as if they were a child?”

    This is the answer that I received from Estelle.

    A woman’s inner nature is that of a mother, who is caring, giving, and tolerant. She watches over her children loving them unconditionally. Allowing their shortcomings, helping them to grow and learn about life. Loving them through the ups and downs, allowing them to be who they are. Loving what she sees they can become, their potential.

    The nature of a mother is in all women whether they have children or not in this life. It is an inherent part of her to allow so much and to endure the misbehaviors and growing pains of her children loving them through it all.

    She has been programmed to treat her man in the very same way she would treat a child.
    This behavior is completely misplaced when directed towards an adult man.

    Men need to be treated differently than children. They need to be held completely responsible for their actions in every way.

    Have you ever seen this happening or had experience with treating your man as if he were a child?

  6. Helena Te

    “Do women need to interact with each other a bit more?”

    I have always had women friends in my life and in the last 15 years, these connections deepened, becoming more personal – and my life has become the richer for it. I have experienced, and am experiencing, greather support (both giving and receiving), more insights in and understanding of myself as a woman – and be at peace with that – and better relations with them. It is requiring my mind to take a step back (i.e., less judgment, greater empathy, more stepping in another’s shoes) and my heart to open more – to others, to myself.

  7. Helena Te

    “Why is it that women insist upon trying to outdo one another?”

    I will open the comments section what is alive within me reading this post:

    Remembering our roots? We used to be a communal society: women took care of the tribe- they gathered together, they raised their children communally, they had their periods at the same time – they were in tune with each other and with the rhythm of life.

    And then came the time that women became isolated into their own dwellings, cared for their own children, took care of their own households, and society as a whole had gone from communal to competitive. From sharing to each their own. Comparing. Hierarchy based on circumstances.

    What can we do:? See the woman behind the disguises, the labels, the status; instead connect with our essence of being a woman, cultivate understanding, openness; working with; discover our strengths and bring them into play for the collective highest good????

  8. Lee Cloud

    “Why is it, that woman seems to put her man at the center of her universe so very often?”

    I think women do that for a combinations of reasons. Love, programing, fear, financial insecurity, children, religion etc.

    I do have experience with this issue in my past relationships and it came at a cost. Praying I’ve learned better by now.

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