Karma is neither bad nor good; it’s just energy.

Karma was created by the Mind of God to make this a self-governing universe. Because of karma, there is no need for anyone to stand over us and hand out punishments or benefits.

Whatever energy we put out will eventually return to us. This is how we literally create our lives: by the energy we put out and the energy that comes back. 

We can learn to pay attention to our thoughts and actions and witness what comes back to us. Is it positive or negative? Paying attention is the key.

A wise man once said that paying close attention to the energy you put out and feeling what it would be like when it returned to you is a good way to avoid creating negative karma.

If you generate enough positive karma, you will be creating a bank of it for future use.

It’s just like having a savings account of money to use when you need it. Your bank of positive karma can also help offset negative karma you may have coming your way.

So, paying attention and doing your best to create positive daily karma is a good idea!

Karma is very intricate and complicated when it comes to each soul’s personal karma. It would be next to impossible for someone to know exactly what their own karma or another person’s karma is unless one is an enlightened being. Each soul’s personal karma combines energy from their current incarnation and all of their past lives.


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