During the early part of the twentieth century, a man who was a writer by trade suddenly had an experience that today would be known as an O.B.E., meaning Out of Body Experience.  During the time that this was happening, he went to a very bright place, full of light that was very bright, but didn’t hurt his eyes. There he found himself having a conversation with two men. They were very jovial in their manner, and our writer friend kept having the most odd feelings that he somehow knew these men he was speaking with.

     They seemed to notice this, and commented on it to his amazement. He at last had to “come clean” with them, and so told them about his feelings. He thought they would tell him he was crazy, but then, feeling that he had nothing to lose, he told them anyway. To his surprise, they both seemed to know what he was feeling and why too. They began by asking him if they didn’t seem familiar to him. At this question, he relaxed a bit, and admitted that that thought had crossed him mind, but that he had dismissed it totally.

     Suddenly, it all came back to him, and he exclaimed loudly, “Hey, wait a minute, the last time I saw you was at your funeral!” One of them said that was right, and then the other man asked him if he recognized him. The answer he gave was the same, that he had last seen this man, a friend of his on earth, at the hospital, out of which the sick man had never emerged, as he had “died” shortly thereafter.  So he shrieked at them, “Then, you’re both dead!” They responded, “Well, if we’re dead, then so are you, Bill.” At which he seriously objected, adding that he had never felt better in his life.

They both laughed at his statement, and he couldn’t deny that they both looked quite well, very much alive, and even better than while on earth.

So, what was he to think? He didn’t have to figure it out, for they both began to explain to him that they indeed had left the earth in that change called death, some time ago, but that like all of us, they had immediately discovered that they weren’t dead at all, but after a brief period of unconsciousness, they had been woken up by some kindly looking people, and greeted by some of their own relatives, who had preceded them into the world of spirit.

        They went on to explain to him that he was destined to do some very great spiritual work once he returned to his body on earth, which he had left sleeping in his bed down there. Before he left there, they continued to have a very fascinating conversation during which they explained to him that when he returned to his body, he would find that certain changes had occurred.

He had it explained to him that due to the fact that he had been chosen to do this type of work, which he would get from themselves and other sources, he would find that upon returning to his physical body, he would be able to “hear’ them even when fully awake. This seemed almost too much to believe, so he simply went along with their proposal, and then, when he returned to his body,  upon awakening, he supposed he had just had a very fantastic dream.

      Suddenly, much to his shock, he heard a voice in his own head, that suddenly startled him with the words, “That was not dream, Bill.’”

And that began his many years of receiving the information they would later dictate to him verbatim. As time went on, he got rather used to this type of life, and began to compile the many pages of information that was given to him clairaudiently, and realized that what he was receiving was some of the most profound understandings about the game of life, and what the real rules are that we all play by, whether we know them or not – the cosmic laws.

      Later, after years of these transcriptions, he had the realization that he had been the Apostle Peter at the time of the Master Jesus’ last incarnation.

As this realization began to grow within him, and to “take root” as it were in his consciousness, he did begin to have more memories of that distant time, when it had seemed that all was lost, at the point of the physical “death” of Jesus. Of course, this was to be only the beginning of the Christian era, and he himself would play a large role in seeing to it that the teachings of the Master wouldn’t be lost, but preserved by the pens of some of his brother Apostles, like Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John.

     A few years after this, and when he was firmly established in this new kind of work, the Master Himself began to come to him, to remind him of that very celebrated lifetime, and to tell him that something else was needed at that time. And this was a more full connection with the Master Himself, so he began to receive dictation from the Master Jesus, and the collection of these writings came to be known as the Golden Scripts.

     It was my great pleasure and honor to be gifted with this book many years ago, and recently, it came to me to share it with you all.

It should be noted that these writings are given in what is called Middle English, an older version of our language, and this will take some getting used to, but it can be done with some patience and perseverance too.

      So, what is being shared here is the third chapter of that lovely book. It is entitled , “Call me Elder Brother,” and in it you will find, He asks us to refer to Him as Elder Brother, rather than as Master. He also explains why this should be so, and then, leaves us with this request, which we are only too honored to do.

        As you begin reading these words, you may notice certain feelings that tend to come over you, and that is a good thing. So, if any of you have had a feeling of special connection with Him, then you may also have had the feelings that He has been grossly misinterpreted in today’s churches, and that He isn’t behind what is done in His name either.  This has been one of the greatest blessings for me in getting acquainted with His thoughts as herein expressed.

       Just as I was so relieved to finally read His own words, so I have been more interested in His truths, and not the things that are said about him. So, thank God that this precious book is in our hands now, and we can all access it directly if we so desire. More on this later, but for now, here’s Chapter 3 of the Golden Scripts, for your reading pleasure and enlightenment too. ALOHA 

If you would like a copy of the complete book “The Golden Scripts” by William Dudley Pelley we offer a pdf copy, if you would like it please email us anytime..

More recommended titles of his books

  • “As Thou Lovest”  The true story of when Jesus walked the earth 2000 years ago.
  • “Getting Born”
  • “Adam Awakes”
  • “Behold Life”
  • “Soulcraft Scripts” 12 volumes. One of the most comprehensive body of writings regarding cosmic truths.

Golden Scripts


WHEN YE go about the labors of your day, remember my love for you, and that ye shall not always suffer for my sake.

2  I do know mine own: they are the light of the world which cannot be hid.

3  Make your lights so to shine before men that they shall perceive that ye are who ye are, verily my beloved, and gather about you.

4  I say unto you, call me not Master; call me Elder Brother, for are we not like unto one another, having love and common aims?

5  Those who do love me and keep my commandments are no longer children; I say they are brethren, and he who is greatest among them is servant.

6  Why then do ye not admit I am your servant, being your lord?

7  We are a company for goodly works together; I have shown you the way; ye have the privilege of following in my footsteps and partaking of my joys.

8  We are children before the Father: we are brethren among ourselves.

9  Let us glorify the Father by advancing His work and saving the unrighteous, even from themselves; in that joy shall lie our blessing.

10  Ye are one with me; we stand equally before the Father;

11  Although my source and experience have been different from yours, we have work that is similar; we do it arm in arm; we perform it together.

12  Ye have no need to call me Master, for ye too may attain to the heights of my triumphs; I cannot call you otherwise than masters in that day.

13  Call me Elder Brother but do not call me Master, for we are of that company wherein all are equal, one with every other.

14  The men of earth have called me Master, knowing not otherwise, but ye whose eyes are opened have looked and seen the truth;

15  Do not belittle me by making me vain potentate when my mission is only to rule by loving service.

16  Greater love hath no man than this: that he shall serve faithfully for love itself, unto the end, regardless of reward, because love is spirit, and Spirit is of God.

17  Therein is a great mystery; I say the day arriveth when understanding of that mystery cometh to you; then shall ye rejoice.

18  Take my yoke upon you and go forth to slay dragons of fear, and doubt, and envy, and malice;

19  Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for so went forth the prophets before you.

20  Are they not in glory?

21  The world will receive you now, where once it stoned you.

22  Only those of the Great Darkness will make trouble in your pathways; I say that ye shall overcome them with Truth, at my instruction.

23  Come, let us reason together as each day dawneth; ye shall be stronger for my counsel.

24  Those who have served you have done well, I have honored them with blessings; but verily have they committed errors in their judgments which have handicapped you sorely.

25  Know that I make no errors, yet do I leave you to them for instruction as to methods by which adversity falleth behind you;

26  But in ways of spiritual unfoldments I shall be with you always, to show you the pathways up the steeps of valiant doings, verily to the tablelands of eternity, fragrant with their peace and glories.

27  I say ye shall have enlightenment if ye do call upon patience as your armament and declare yourselves deserving.

28  Do I not know the doubts that beset you, beloved?

29  Are ye not handicapped yet a little while by flesh?

30  I say ye shall not always be thus handicapped; try not to waiver; let me sustain you by my presence.

31  Arise and go in peace. I say that I do come in unto you, behold as ye open the door of the mornings.


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